June 19th, 2024

Stages of Argument (2000)

Peter Suber, a philosophy professor, defines four stages of argument sophistication in ethical and political discourse. Progressing from dogmatism to responsive two-sided arguments at Stage 4 fosters critical thinking and genuine inquiry.

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Stages of Argument (2000)

Peter Suber, a philosophy professor at Earlham College, outlines four stages of argument sophistication in ethical and political discourse. Stage 1 involves making assertions without any supporting argument, akin to dogmatism. Stage 2 introduces one-sided arguments, either positive or negative, lacking a comprehensive view. Stage 3 advances to two-sided arguments, considering both positive and negative aspects but still not demanding sufficiency or relevance. Stage 4 represents the pinnacle, where arguments are two-sided and responsive, anticipating objections and responding to them. Suber emphasizes that only at Stage 4 do arguments become serious, requiring responsiveness to criticisms and a commitment to improving arguments continuously. By engaging in responsive argumentation, individuals can strengthen their positions, acknowledge opposing viewpoints, and refine their reasoning. Suber underscores the importance of moving beyond one-sided and two-sided arguments to reach a level of dialectical stability and genuine inquiry.

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By @philsnow - 4 months
Stage 4 sounds somewhat like the structure of the Summa Theologica, wherein Aquinas addresses hundreds of individual questions following a few themes, each with the same structure (quoting from [0]):

> Each “Article” has five structural parts. First, the question is formulated in a yes or no format, as explained above, beginning with the word “Whether” (Utrum).

> Second, St. Thomas lists a number of Objections (usually three) to the answer he will give. The Objections are apparent proofs of this opposite answer, the other side to the debate. These objections begin with the formula: “It seems tha“ (Oportet).

> These Objections must be arguments, not just opinions, for one of the basic principles of any intelligent debate (woefully neglected in all modern media) is that each debater must give relevant reasons for every controvertible opinion he expresses. The Objections are to be taken seriously, as apparent truth.

> Third, St. Thomas indicated his own position with the formula “On the contrar“ (Sed contra).

> The fourth part, “I answer that” (Respondeo dicens), is the body of the Article. In it, St. Thomas proves his own position, often adding necessary background explanations and making needed distinctions along the way.

> Fifth and finally, each Objection must be addressed and answered—not merely by repeating an argument to prove the opposite conclusion, for that has already been done in the body of the Article, but by explaining where and how the Objection went wrong, i.e., by distinguishing the truth from the falsity in the Objection.

[0] https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/summa...

By @YackerLose - 4 months
This analysis totally ignores the power of snappiness. Of being laconic. It's the sort of stuff that works in the walled garden of academia but completely ignores the state of reality, where the average person is so bogged down by information overload that the gist is all they ever desire. I think a pie chart or an infographic is infinitely more powerful than a "Stage 4 argument".
By @readthenotes1 - 4 months
Has anyone coined the "Schopenhauer Fallacy" to explain when people believe replacing complex and nuanced ideas with a symbol helps resolve arguments relating to those ideas? (I.e., a logomachy)
By @slowhadoken - 4 months
Stage 1.) state an observable but unpopular fact. Stage 2.) endure verbal abuse. Stage 3.) endure psychological abuse. Stage 4.) endure social abuse. Stage 5.) wait five to ten years when the observable fact is confirmed but by then it’s pointless and everyone can act like it’s obvious.
By @GMoromisato - 4 months
Stage 5 is when you realize that all political/ethical arguments are variants of the Trolley Problem and highly dependent on non-falsifiable axioms. In other words, there is no Objectively Correct answer to any political/ethical argument.

I think the biggest fallacy is the idea that (a) there exists an Objectively Correct political position, and (b) my opponents would accept that position if only they weren't stupid or corrupt.

The genius of democracy is that it acknowledges this, and that the only way to decide is for everyone to vote their preference.

The challenge of democracy, of course, is that it works best when people are roughly equal in terms of knowledge, wealth, and culture. The more homogenous a society is, the more likely it is to choose policies that benefit all. But splintered societies lead to zero-sum, winner-take-all conflicts.