June 22nd, 2024

Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary

A study by Dmitry Kobak et al. examines ChatGPT's impact on academic writing, finding increased usage in PubMed abstracts. Concerns arise over accuracy and bias despite advanced text generation capabilities.

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Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary

The study titled "Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary" by Dmitry Kobak and colleagues investigates the prevalence of large language model (LLM) usage in academic literature. Analyzing 14 million PubMed abstracts from 2010-2024, the research reveals a significant increase in the frequency of certain style words, indicating LLM usage in at least 10% of 2024 abstracts. This percentage varied across disciplines, countries, and journals, reaching as high as 30% in some PubMed sub-corpora. The impact of LLM-based writing assistants on scientific literature is deemed unprecedented, surpassing the influence of major world events like the Covid pandemic. The study highlights concerns regarding the potential inaccuracies, biases, and misuse associated with LLMs despite their human-level text generation capabilities.


Optimizing AI Inference at Character.ai

Optimizing AI Inference at Character.ai

Character.AI optimizes AI inference for LLMs, handling 20,000+ queries/sec globally. Innovations like Multi-Query Attention and int8 quantization reduced serving costs by 33x since late 2022, aiming to enhance AI capabilities worldwide.

We no longer use LangChain for building our AI agents

We no longer use LangChain for building our AI agents

Octomind switched from LangChain due to its inflexibility and excessive abstractions, opting for modular building blocks instead. This change simplified their codebase, increased productivity, and emphasized the importance of well-designed abstractions in AI development.

GitHub – Karpathy/LLM101n: LLM101n: Let's Build a Storyteller

GitHub – Karpathy/LLM101n: LLM101n: Let's Build a Storyteller

The GitHub repository "LLM101n: Let's build a Storyteller" offers a course on creating a Storyteller AI Large Language Model using Python, C, and CUDA. It caters to beginners, covering language modeling, deployment, programming, data types, deep learning, and neural nets. Additional chapters and appendices are available for further exploration.

Francois Chollet – LLMs won't lead to AGI – $1M Prize to find solution [video]

Francois Chollet – LLMs won't lead to AGI – $1M Prize to find solution [video]

The video discusses limitations of large language models in AI, emphasizing genuine understanding and problem-solving skills. A prize incentivizes AI systems showcasing these abilities. Adaptability and knowledge acquisition are highlighted as crucial for true intelligence.

Detecting hallucinations in large language models using semantic entropy

Detecting hallucinations in large language models using semantic entropy

Researchers devised a method to detect hallucinations in large language models like ChatGPT and Gemini by measuring semantic entropy. This approach enhances accuracy by filtering unreliable answers, improving model performance significantly.

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By @doe_eyes - 4 months
> We show that the appearance of LLM-based writing assistants has had an unprecedented impact in the scientific literature, surpassing the effect of major world events such as the Covid pandemic.

I'm not quite sure this follows. At the very least, I think they should also consider the possibility of social contagion: if some of your colleagues start using a new word in work-related writing, you usually pick that up. The spread of "delve" was certainly bootstrapped by ChatGPT, but I'm not sure that the use of LLMs is the only possible explanation for its growing popularity.

Even in the pre-ChatGPT days, it was common for a new term to come out of nowhere and then spread like a wildfire in formal writing. "Utilize" for "use", etc.

By @Animats - 4 months
Their list:

They're not the first to make this observation. Others have picked up that LLM's like the word "delves".

LLMs are trained on texts which contain much marketing material. So they tend to use some marketing words when generating pseudo-academic content. No surprise there. I'm surprised it's not worse.

What happens if you use a prompt containing "Write in a style that maximizes marketing impact"?"

('You can't always use "Free", but you can always use "New"' - from a book on copywriting.)

By @refibrillator - 4 months
One confounding factor here is the proliferation of autocorrect and grammar “advisors” in popular apps like gmail etc. One algorithm tweak could change a lot of writing at that scale.

While the word frequency stats are damning, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence presented that directly ties the changes to LLMs specifically.

By @lioeters - 4 months
> We study vocabulary changes in 14 million PubMed abstracts from 2010-2024, and show how the appearance of LLMs led to an abrupt increase in the frequency of certain style words.

"Delving".. Sounds like the authors might have used an LLM while writing this paper as well.

By @Retr0id - 4 months
It's also possible that humans are starting to sound more like LLMs too, due to reading (wittingly or otherwise) more LLM output.
By @mcmcmc - 4 months
This just makes me think how now, more than ever, it really pays to develop your own distinctive writing voice. It’s not just a way to make yourself stand out, but given how much the way you write can influence your thought process, I worry that all the students ChatGPTing their way through language arts classes will be ultimately more susceptible to groupthink and online influence campaigns.
By @utkuumur - 4 months
I don't see why many people complaining on this issue. Not everyone mastered English unfortunately. I am especially very weak at writing a paper, and to be honest, find it taxing. I love research but after having results, turning it into a paper is not fun. I edit almost everything important I write like emails and papers with LLMs because even though the content is nice my writing feels very bland and lacks lots of transition. I believe many people do this and actually, this helps you learn over time. However, what you learn is to write like LLMs since basically we are supervised by the LLM.
By @silver_silver - 4 months
It’s possible this is caused by the editors rather than the authors.

An old partner edited papers for a large publisher - largely written by non-native speakers and already heavily machine translated - and would almost always use ChatGPT for the first pass when extensive changes were needed.

She was paid by the word and also had a pretty intense daily minimum quota so it was practically required to get enough done to earn a liveable wage and avoid being replaced by another remote “contractor”.

By @jean- - 4 months
Great article. One of the papers it cites is https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.07183, which is also great and looks at the issue of LLM usage to write peer reviews.

It’s an issue I’ve noticed personally, as I’m seeing an increasing number of reviews that lack substance and are almost entirely made of filler content. Here’s an excerpt from a particularly egregious recent example I ran into, which had this to say on the subject of meaningful comparison to recent work:

> Additionally, while the bibliography appears to be comprehensive, there could be some minor improvements, such as including more recent or relevant references if applicable.

The whole review was written like this, with no specific suggestions for improvement, just vague “if applicable” filler. Infuriating.

By @sva_ - 4 months
By @seydor - 4 months
Nothing wrong with it. Citing each other introduces more bias than chatGPT anyway. do you expect me to write the same introduction to the same subject for the 17th time? Large parts of any paper are redundant
By @ein0p - 4 months
Even pre-LLMs, I’d basically rewrite papers using simpler language when I was a co-author. The baseline was never very good, I’m afraid. For some reason researchers love using ten-dollar words even though their overuse makes the paper read pretentious and obfuscates the meaning. Folks, please read the following essay by Orwell, and then read it again and again until it sinks: https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwel...
By @MrSkelter - 4 months
This apparent language shift is mainly due to Lon’s being trained on all language and not just modern American writing tied to post Hemingway ideals of brevity. Much of the language considered odd is standard British English, like the singular they. Also the use of wider vocabulary isn’t considered bad writing outside the Us where specificity is valued over simplicity.
By @hdhshdhshdjd - 4 months
I can’t trust any paper with y-axis labels that are all over the place paired next to each other. Figure 1 is a hot mess.
By @aussieguy1234 - 4 months
It won't take long before it's possible to mask LLM use by making the text sound more human like, without the excess vocab.

The leap from how the LLMs write now to how a professional sounding scientist might write their paper is probably not that big.

Its possible now to train them on your own writing style.

By @noman-land - 4 months
Haha great wink wink title.
By @kovezd - 4 months
I wish we would distinguish editing, from writing.
By @nathants - 4 months
good. embarrassing.

human and machine both should aim for brevity and clarity, and feel shame otherwise.

then we can read more and better in our lives.

By @Alifatisk - 4 months
We live in an era where academics use gpt to spew out papers, and have an audience (not all) who use gpt to summarize and extract the meaningful content from it.

We truly live in the informations age.

On a side note, do people still use ChatGPT to fill out their papers? I found Claude to be way better at spitting out more content. In my experience, ChatGPT has been in the middle while Gemini is the worst, it even cuts-off in the middle of the sentence.

By @uptownfunk - 4 months
Ha ha at “delving” common gpt language
By @zoover2020 - 4 months
Is the Oxford comma also on purpose?
By @sans_souse - 4 months
Gemini: "subtle nuances"
By @mmoskal - 4 months
LLMs used in writing of 1/3 of scientific papers. On the one hand scary, on the other it seems people find them useful. Maybe this AI thing is not like crypto after all...
By @AlienRobot - 4 months
This is so disappointing.
By @dkga - 4 months