June 23rd, 2024

My weekend project turned into a 3 years journey

Anthony's note-taking app journey spans 3 years, evolving from a secure Markdown tool to a complex Electron/React project with code execution capabilities. Facing challenges in store publishing, he prioritizes user feedback and simplicity, opting for a custom online deployment solution.

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My weekend project turned into a 3 years journey

Anthony shares his journey of how a simple note-taking app turned into a 3-year project. Starting as a basic tool for secure note-taking in Markdown, the app evolved into a complex project involving Electron/React development and integration with Monaco. Publishing on Apple and Microsoft stores proved challenging due to certification and validation processes. The app transitioned from a text editor to an executable notebook, allowing code execution within the editor. Users requested more features, leading to continuous development over years. Anthony then ventured into online deployment, designing a cluster for users to deploy applications and dashboards. He opted for a custom solution over Kubernetes or Docker. Despite feeling dwarfed by larger competitors, Anthony remains passionate about enhancing the app's features and user experience. The journey serves as a lesson to dream big but avoid unnecessary complexity. Anthony's dedication and user feedback continue to drive his project forward, emphasizing the importance of perseverance in app development.


The demise of the mildly dynamic website (2022)

The demise of the mildly dynamic website (2022)

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Groqnotes: Generate structured notes from audio using Groq, Whisper, and Llama3

Groqnotes: Generate structured notes from audio using Groq, Whisper, and Llama3

The GitHub project "Groqnotes" is a streamlit app utilizing Groq, Whisper, and Llama3 to create structured notes from audio content efficiently. It offers rapid transcription, markdown styling, and download options. Access online or set up locally.

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Start all of your commands with a comma (2009)

Start all of your commands with a comma (2009)

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Show HN: Field report with Claude 3.5 – Making a screen time goal tracker

Show HN: Field report with Claude 3.5 – Making a screen time goal tracker

The author shares their positive experience using Claude 3.5 Sonnet to track screen time goals. Claude proved reliable, fast, and auditable, aiding in reducing screen time through visualizations and goal setting. Despite design flaws, Claude improved performance with accurate metrics and visualizations, benefiting the author's screen time tracking.

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By @andoando - 4 months
5 years ago I wanted to make animated visuals for music videos / light shows. I got the initial version quite quickly. You could make a composition of shapes and had some functions like swap these two components every 2 beats, rotate this one every 4, etc.

That got me thinking about the structure of language, how to model space-time and essentially how to build a programming language capable of building visuals through time similar to how one how would build functions in lambda calculus.

I spent countless hours on this and its become an obsession. I have hundreds of pages of scribbles and built 20 implementations trying to approach the problem another way, got stuck somewhere and restarted. Im closer than when I started but I am burnt out. I really wanted to build a sensible prototype but short of that I just feel like I'm nuts and its all close to worthless.

By @tony_lag - 4 months
Hey HN,

I'm a developer and I started 3 years ago, a simple app as a weekend project. But this project took on proportions that I did not expect in my life. If you’ve ever had a side project spiral out of control, you might enjoy reading about my journey. Would love to hear your stories too!

Cheers, Anthony

By @apantel - 4 months
The lesson here is that it takes an order of magnitude more time and effort to ‘productize’ an application than it does to make the application.
By @PStamatiou - 4 months
I know that feeling! This was my 3 year side project: https://paulstamatiou.com/stocketa/
By @rdlw - 4 months
> Because typing code without help is like trying to cook without recipes – you end up with something incomplete and probably unpalatable.

I think this statement is more personal than the author intended

By @salamo - 4 months
Reminds me of Dan Luu's article I read this morning: https://danluu.com/sounds-easy/

I think part of why we underestimate difficulty is, it's hard to see anything but the happy path. The complications are harder to anticipate. And for each of the solutions to a problem, we also only think of the happy path to solving it. And so on.

By @whalesalad - 4 months
Took me a while to find a link to the actual product. Surprised it is not mentioned by name (or image) anywhere in this entire post. Figures it is the root domain: https://znote.io/
By @smith-kyle - 4 months
A bit of feedback after downloading Znote:

- Couldn't execute the tutorial notebooks without first paying for a subscription

- Specifically surprised that executing a bash script locally is an "Advanced feature"

- I've "exceeded my limit 1/1" for deployed jobs, I'd love to see how/where this is deployed but I don't see a link. It's the default myapphtml job.

EDIT: Found the link to the deployed web app. Was confused because it has a column label of "Frequency"

By @interludead - 4 months
Side projects often have a way of growing beyond initial expectations, and they can become significant parts of our lives.
By @purple-leafy - 4 months
Sounds like a fun project. Executable notebooks, I was trying to do something similar a fortnight ago to bring Jupyter notebook functionality to JavaScript. That was a nightmare lol.

I had a weekend project that also ballooned, into a 3 month one. I made a chrome extends the built in device viewer to display more than 1 device view on screen at a time (eg mobile, iPad, PC views)

This was an absolutely crazy project where ChatGPT and similar Chatbots kept saying it was impossible (use an iframe to control parent page navigation, and navigate an iframe from origin A to origin B without setting off any cross origin security flags)

Great times, wasn’t ultimately worth the effort but I’ve learnt a hell of a lot about hacking the browser to extreme edge cases and proxying content (cross origin requests, displaying any site in an iframe, manipulating the iframe site etc)

By @e40 - 4 months
> I wanted a tool to take secure notes in Markdown, accessible on all my devices. You know, like enhanced README files—visually pleasing, well-formatted, and most importantly, password-protected to secure my secret thoughts and world domination plans.

That's my dream, too, but not to build it. To use it.

I thought org mode (emacs macOS) and beorg (iOS) was it for me, but it's pretty terrible (on iOS). I just can't use beorg. I even paid for an extension to give the dev some money.

If would love to try your solution.


znote for iOS last changed 2y ago? 1 review. That's disappointing and makes me very nervous about moving into your walled garden.

By @imadethis - 4 months
What sort of enforcement mechanisms are in place if you don't register your encryption with ANSSI? In other words, if you ignored them what could they do? Would they even give a shit?
By @zorrn - 4 months
Does anyone know the source for this blog? I love it!
By @carlbarrdahl - 4 months
what about CRDTs and live collaboration? :hides: