June 25th, 2024

APL Demonstration (1975) [video]

The YouTube video explores APL, a programming language by Kenneth Iverson in 1957. It simplifies algebraic operations for arrays, widely used for its versatility in various industries. Topics include logical propositions, arithmetic functions, variable naming, APL expressions, Iota function, vector operations, matrices, and arrays.

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APL Demonstration (1975) [video]

The YouTube video at the provided URL delves into APL, a programming language created by Kenneth Iverson in 1957. APL streamlines and expands algebraic and logical notation for array operations, finding extensive application across industries and fields due to its straightforwardness and diverse functions. The content of the video includes discussions on logical propositions, arithmetic functions, the significance of naming variables, assessing APL expressions, utilizing the Iota function to create vectors, element-wise vector operations, and its relevance to matrices and higher-dimensional arrays.

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By @lbatista - 4 months
Convolutional Neural Networks in APL

  avgpool←{÷∘4{+/,⍵}⌺(2 2⍴2)⍤2⊢⍵}
  conv←{s←1+(⍴⍵)-⍴⍺⋄⊃+/,⍺×(⍳⍴⍺){s↑⍺↓⍵}  ⊂⍵}
  backin←{(d w in)←⍵⋄⊃+/,w{(⍴in)↑(-⍵+⍴d)↑⍺×d}  ⍳⍴w}
  multiconv←{(a ws bs)←⍵⋄bs{⍺+⍵ conv a}⍤(0,(⍴⍴a))⊢ws}
By @dang - 4 months
Related. Others?

APL Demonstration (1975) [video] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32118279 - July 2022 (1 comment)

APL Demonstration (1975) [video] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21104698 - Sept 2019 (51 comments)

APL Demonstration From 1975 [video] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7817593 - May 2014 (7 comments)

APL demonstration 1975 [video] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6155639 - Aug 2013 (1 comment

By @Pompidou - 4 months
By @skruger - 4 months
If you’re interested in learning APL, I wrote an intro for people coming from another language:


By @meken - 4 months
That’s so weird how he backspaces to overlay two characters on top of one another to achieve an operator
By @julienchastang - 4 months
I've watched this video in the past. If I recall correctly, he does not make a single typo or fat-fingering during the entire 27 minutes.