June 30th, 2024

Show HN: I've built a child monitoring app with mitmproxy and WireGuard

ParentControls.Win offers a $20/month Parental Control App with AI filtering, Wireguard VPN, and feature requests. It aims to protect children online effectively, addressing the evolving internet landscape challenges.

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Show HN: I've built a child monitoring app with mitmproxy and WireGuard

ParentControls.Win is a new Parental Control App offering advanced features to regulate children's internet experience using generative AI. The service is priced at $20 per month with a 30-day refund policy. The app aims to protect children from harmful influencers, forms, and communities online. It emphasizes filtering content through a remote server for powerful AI filtering, improved battery life compared to local filtering, and enhanced anonymity through an integrated Wireguard VPN. The team behind the app is open to feature requests as they continue to develop the product during the early access phase. Users can currently enjoy a 50% discount for the first two months while the app is in beta. ParentControls.Win addresses the need for more sophisticated parental control apps in today's evolving online landscape, where traditional monitoring tools struggle to keep pace with changing internet dynamics and the influence of tech giants on family values.

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By @reify - 4 months
Projecting all your own personal shit onto the children of the future is no way to deal with your own shit.

You feel that you needed to be protected from the bad old world by you parents. Who you now wish had more control over you. You bad bad boy!

Children, believe or or not, are very good at discerning what is right and wrong.

No longer believing in god is a good thing. Santa claus is and always has been a lie.

What is wrong with Atheism? I'm an athiest.

It seems like you want to take away choice from children.

Children are monitored far too much these days and you want to make it worse so you can make a few quid

Get some therapy before you start taking it out on the kids.


By @baby_souffle - 4 months
I was the kid that helped other kids bypass their nannyware so I’m not the best person to ask but how are you going to handle prompt injections? If I’m understanding, you use a LLM to decide if §content is in violation of §policy?

This will break anything that does certificate pinning like Spotify. As crapware tls proxies become more common, cert pinning and data encrypted before it’s sent will become more common.

This won’t work on fb and their related properties or iMessage where I assume kids spend a lot of time now? No idea about TikTok but if they’re not cert pinning yet… they should be!

By @squigz - 4 months
Extremely gross that filtering LGBT content is one of your main points.
By @disqard - 4 months
Your service is founded on some ideas and points of view that I personally don't understand.

Instead of focusing on teaching children robust strategies for dealing with the Real World, you're advocating for inserting some interposing technology to achieve this ill-defined goal, namely that "your kid turns out normal".

Tech is often unfairly littered with the graves of bright ideas that were ahead of their time, or didn't happen to catch on, but there's also a large population of deservedly dead ideas that keep trying to solve deeply human problems by blindly substituting technology -- and this is firmly in this latter camp.

I wish you (as a human) no ill-will, and I hope you will build different solutions in future, which marry human strengths with technology, instead of bypassing them via black boxes.

By @megraf - 4 months
You've created a monster. You're MITM'ing children. You're giving children's data to {whomever}.

You've cherry picked your own beliefs and inserted / removed them along the way.

This is disgusting

By @h2odragon - 4 months
I think your service should not exist, that the advocating the enforcement of ignorance is pretty close to Evil, and that providing a paid service to do it actually is Evil. With the capital.

Obviously not everyone agrees, so perhaps you'll have happy customers. If I ever meet their victims I will take great delight in teaching them how to fix their routing and avoid your service.

Good luck finding better uses for your abilities.

By @salawat - 4 months
>...because there are companies actively working against you.

...and you are now one of those companies.

Be careful, thee who would fight monsters, that you not in the end become that which you hate. For just as you stare into the abyss, the abyss dost stare back into you.

Your children must learn to navigate the world as it is. It's on you, not to shield them from the truth, but to nurture them such that they can make those decisions on their own.

If you fear that you were so easily influenced into this course of action by the conspiring of others, the answer then is to share that with them so they need not walk the same path you walked. Instead, you're doing just what all those schemers you fear have done. Placed yourself transparently into the stream of of an exploring mind with the intent to shape it and mold it as you wilt; instead of providing them the tools of the sculptor, and letting them hew themselves out of the rough with the benefit of your life experience as a template.

Not to belabor the point, but it is unambiguously disgusting, and evil to me; and I'm not one who is known to quickly pass judgement on such things. This one is from the start pretty obvious though. I have heard that my point of view would be different were I to sire children of my own; but I figure the active role I play in many youngster's lives gives me enough exposure to the subject matter area to know I most assuredly would not change in that regard; any child entering my custody is treated as my own flesh and blood.

You likely haven't put enough thought into alternative use cases you enable, and the harm that can be done. Nor have you likely done any work creating a way of knowing whether or how it is being abused. Like by an abusive or controlling spouse, or other such thing. Really think about that aspect; because the same people you're making this available to are the same people who had hands in "manipulating" you in the first place.

Burn it. Destroy it, and be done. I've had to get similarly destructive ideas out of my head before. Some things just don't deserve to see the light of day. This would be one. If you really must make it, then suffer it only to exist as a concession to your own convictionsDon't just put it out there. Part of the journey of mking such a thing is hopefully the gaining of enough wisdom to recognize it is not the right time for such a thing.

I beg you, do not persist making something so likely to turn into something you'll ultimately regret.

By @catlifeonmars - 4 months
Having grown up in a family where I was barred from learning about or viewing much of the content listed in your filters, I can only say I feel for the children of parents who buy this product. It’s gross that some of the content filters include LGBTQ discussion and content. Thanks for helping to perpetuate bigotry and generational trauma.
By @prettywoman - 4 months
I have to ask, why did you block atheism?