July 1st, 2024

Getting Your DBA Teams Scripts into Git

Managing DBA scripts is crucial. Git aids in versioning and tracking changes, promoting organization and collaboration. Centralizing scripts on GitHub ensures control and enhances team efficiency, fostering better script management.

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Getting Your DBA Teams Scripts into Git

This article discusses the importance of managing scripts used by teams of DBAs and introduces Git as a tool to version, track, and manage changes to these scripts. It emphasizes the benefits of organizing scripts in a central repository to avoid inconsistencies, multiple versions, and unauthorized changes. The process involves consolidating scripts into one location, converting them into a Git repository, pushing them to a central location like GitHub, and protecting the main branch to ensure controlled changes. The article also guides on how team members can clone the repository to their local machines and work collaboratively on scripts while building Git skills. By following these steps, DBA teams can streamline script management, enhance collaboration, and ensure script versioning. The article provides a detailed walkthrough on converting a folder of scripts into a Git repository, saving scripts in GitHub, protecting the main branch, and enabling team members to clone and work with the scripts effectively.


I kind of like rebasing

I kind of like rebasing

People debate Git workflows, favoring rebasing for a linear history. Redowan Delowar prefers rebasing to consolidate changes and maintain a clean commit history. They discuss interactive rebasing benefits, squashing commits, handling conflicts, and offer practical tips.

Software Engineering Practices (2022)

Software Engineering Practices (2022)

Gergely Orosz sparked a Twitter discussion on software engineering practices. Simon Willison elaborated on key practices in a blog post, emphasizing documentation, test data creation, database migrations, templates, code formatting, environment setup automation, and preview environments. Willison highlights the productivity and quality benefits of investing in these practices and recommends tools like Docker, Gitpod, and Codespaces for implementation.

Start all of your commands with a comma (2009)

Start all of your commands with a comma (2009)

The article discusses creating a ~/bin/ directory in Unix to store custom commands, avoiding name collisions with system commands by prefixing custom commands with a comma. This technique ensures unique, easily accessible commands.

Git Workflows for API Technical Writers

Git Workflows for API Technical Writers

Technical writers encounter challenges in maintaining API documentation aligned with evolving designs. Git workflows provide version control and collaboration benefits. Strategies like merging copy improvements, code annotations, and OpenAPI overlays enhance documentation quality. Involving writers in API design ensures user-centric content. Storing docs in separate repositories can resolve Git conflicts.

My .gitconfig File Dissected

My .gitconfig File Dissected

The article delves into .gitconfig file breakdown, covering user details, GPG key signing, Git aliases, and workflow optimization tips. Encourages readers to customize their .gitconfig for enhanced Git usage.

Link Icon 9 comments
By @robertkoss - 4 months
Call me ignorant but I am surprised that there are people in the engineering realm that still don't use a VCS for everything.
By @guruparan18 - 4 months
A bit surprised to see there is no mention of Liquibase, Flyway or others. Not to mention there is also "https://www.dolthub.com/". This was just for git.
By @amne - 4 months
going off of "devops are sysadmin that push their scripts to git" I think we can now call DBAs DbOps. I pronounce it like "deebops".
By @pjmlp - 4 months
Well done for knowledge sharing.

I always impresses me, how many don't understand how to manage their SQL scripts, packages and stored procedures in SCM systems, when this was already a common product from SQL vendors in the 1990's.

By @albertopv - 4 months
I'll send it to a DBA colleague that is truly struggling with this XD
By @len881 - 4 months
Neat! Very intersting
By @fnord123 - 4 months
I've never seen so many screenshots for a git tutorial. Are windows users ok?
By @hnrodey - 4 months
letting Git, get you down?

Mental Models I Rely On To Beat Git: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm2x7xWQID4&t=7s

note: this is my video