The Windows Console gets support for Sixel images
The Microsoft Terminal GitHub repository features a spell checking configuration with files like allow/*.txt, reject.txt, excludes.txt, patterns/*.txt, candidate.patterns, line_forbidden.patterns, expect/*.txt, and for various purposes. Detailed formats available.
Read original articleThe Microsoft Terminal GitHub repository contains a configuration for spell checking. The configuration includes various files such as allow/*.txt for adding words to the dictionary, reject.txt for removing words, excludes.txt for ignoring files entirely, patterns/*.txt for ignoring patterns in checked lines, candidate.patterns for suggesting patterns, line_forbidden.patterns for flagging patterns, expect/*.txt for expected words not in the dictionary, and for GitHub comments on unrecognized words. Each file has a specific purpose and format detailed in the repository. For more information or assistance, further details can be provided upon request.
Windows File Explorer will be more powerful with version control and 7z
Microsoft updates File Explorer with Git integration for version control, native support for 7-zip and TAR compression formats. Aimed at enhancing project management and file organization for users, announced at Microsoft Build.
My .gitconfig File Dissected
The article delves into .gitconfig file breakdown, covering user details, GPG key signing, Git aliases, and workflow optimization tips. Encourages readers to customize their .gitconfig for enhanced Git usage.
That Editor
The GitHub repository hosts a DOS-like editor created for video production, not ideal for general use. It reflects historical hardware and software limitations, tailored for specific vintage computing requirements.
Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility – Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes and Updates
A GitHub repository offers Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility for Windows tasks optimization. Admin mode is required for system-wide changes. Features include program management, tweaks, issue fixing, and update control. Visit the repository for more.
Chr – terminal editor inspired by Turbo Pascal editor from 1997
A terminal-based text editor "chr" on GitHub mimics desktop editors' shortcuts, blending modern GUI with retro text mode. Developed with Tui Widget, it welcomes contributions. Installation involves cloning, building, and compiling.
Which anyone who knows how to actually use a terminal should have upgraded to years ago anyway, mind you.
but I've fallen out of the habit because it's a hassle to get them to display right all of the time on the web.
One of my favorite terminals of all times were the DEC ReGIS terminals
which supported a set of commands similar to the drawing commands in BASIC back in the day but supported more and better colors than home computers at the time and could also freely mix graphics and text. Since the PDP-11 supported BASIC you could write graphical programs in BASIC that would draw on the terminal using the right character sequences.
Windows File Explorer will be more powerful with version control and 7z
Microsoft updates File Explorer with Git integration for version control, native support for 7-zip and TAR compression formats. Aimed at enhancing project management and file organization for users, announced at Microsoft Build.
My .gitconfig File Dissected
The article delves into .gitconfig file breakdown, covering user details, GPG key signing, Git aliases, and workflow optimization tips. Encourages readers to customize their .gitconfig for enhanced Git usage.
That Editor
The GitHub repository hosts a DOS-like editor created for video production, not ideal for general use. It reflects historical hardware and software limitations, tailored for specific vintage computing requirements.
Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility – Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes and Updates
A GitHub repository offers Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility for Windows tasks optimization. Admin mode is required for system-wide changes. Features include program management, tweaks, issue fixing, and update control. Visit the repository for more.
Chr – terminal editor inspired by Turbo Pascal editor from 1997
A terminal-based text editor "chr" on GitHub mimics desktop editors' shortcuts, blending modern GUI with retro text mode. Developed with Tui Widget, it welcomes contributions. Installation involves cloning, building, and compiling.