July 2nd, 2024

With fifth busy beaver, researchers approach computation's limits

Researchers led by graduate student Tristan Stérin determined BB(5) as 47,176,870 using Coq software. Busy beavers, introduced by Tibor Radó, explore Turing machines' behavior. Allen Brady's program efficiently analyzes and classifies machines, advancing computational understanding.

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With fifth busy beaver, researchers approach computation's limits

Researchers have made a significant breakthrough in the field of computer science by determining the value of BB(5), a number that quantifies the complexity of simple computer programs known as busy beavers. The team, led by graduate student Tristan Stérin, used the Coq proof assistant software to verify the value as 47,176,870. This achievement marks a milestone in understanding the limits of computation and the halting problem, a fundamental challenge in computer science. The hunt for busy beavers involves analyzing Turing machines, theoretical devices that simulate computation. The concept of busy beavers was introduced by mathematician Tibor Radó, who devised the "Busy Beaver game" to explore the runtime behavior of Turing machines with different numbers of rules. The quest for busy beavers requires sophisticated computational tools due to the vast number of possible machine configurations. Allen Brady, a mathematics graduate student, made significant contributions to the field by developing a computer program to analyze and classify Turing machines efficiently. Brady's work exemplifies the intersection of mathematics, computation, and theoretical computer science in unraveling the mysteries of busy beavers and the halting problem.


Rosser's Theorem via Turing Machines (2011)

Rosser's Theorem via Turing Machines (2011)

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By @pvg - 4 months
Some comments on this result by Scott Aaronson https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=8088

And for leisure-class beavers, some big related threads from earlier this year:




By @tromp - 4 months
> There are many variants of the original busy beaver problem, and some Busy Beaver Challenge contributors plan to keep working on these.

One such variant is a functional busy beaver defined in terms of the lambda calculus [1]. Since it measures program size in bits rather than states, it allows many more values to be determined (37 so far versus only 6 for TMs), and the gap between the largest known value and values beyond Graham's Number is a mere 13 program bits. A closely related variant [2] can be directly expressed in terms of Kolmogorov complexity, which Mikhail Andreev argues [3] is crucial for applications in Information Theory.

[1] https://oeis.org/A333479

[2] https://oeis.org/A361211

[3] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.05170

By @titanomachy - 4 months
I worked for a couple years with a formidable and incomprehensibly smart engineer who ascended the IC ranks faster than anyone I’ve seen at an elite tech company. He quit the job a few years ago, and when I asked him his plans he told me he was going to work on the busy beaver problem. I can’t help but wonder if he is mxdys, the pseudonymous contributor mentioned in the article who wrapped up the formal proof of BB(5). I’ll probably never know.
By @smokel - 4 months
The original Busy Beaver paper by Tibor Radó ("On Non-Computable Functions") is actually quite easy and fun to read.

For a modern version of the paper with some additional notes, see https://data.jigsaw.nl/Rado_1962_OnNonComputableFunctions_Re...

By @kryptiskt - 4 months
One notable thing here is that the proof is a Coq proof. I wonder if it is the first significant proof that starts out implemented in a theorem prover, instead of being a known proof translated to such a system.

Note that there have been computer-assisted proofs before (four-color theorem, Kepler's conjecture), but those were not done in a formally verified setting until later.

By @nickdrozd - 4 months
Congratulations to the team! So the (blank tape) halting problem is solved for 5-state 2-color Turing machine programs. Has anyone tried applying these same techniques to the 2-state 4-color case? That seems like it would probably be tractable, although generally speaking colors are more powerful than states, so there might be some surprises there. (6-state 2-color and 2-state 5-color both seem intractable, perhaps even provably so.)

By the way, there is an extremely stupid but disturbingly widespread idea that humans are able to just intuit solutions to the halting problem, using the mind's eye or quantum mechanics in the brain or whatever. Needless to say, this did not factor into the proof.

By @wodenokoto - 4 months
So we were just lucky that all non-halting programs of length 5 just happened to be provably non-halting?
By @phaedrus - 4 months
I wrote program to solve the cutting stock problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_stock_problem) for a personal project. I couldn't (or didn't want to) use any existing program for it because my stock involved cutting pieces shaped like either /---/, /---|, or |---| and I didn't want to waste material on the 45 cut.

I find it interesting that the description of Brady's program to optimize search for BB(4) by cutting out search subtrees whose differences don't matter is fairly close to a description of what I did to make my program fast.

By @ks2048 - 4 months
According to Scott Aaronson's blog post on this, there are 16,679,880,978,201 5-state Turing machines. I wonder if we know what percentage of them halt?

Edit: number of TM for n states: (4n + 1)^(2n). Found this (for smaller n), which is the kind of analysis I was curious about: https://github.com/LukasKalbertodt/beaver

By @openasocket - 4 months
All things considered, the proof is pretty short! It’s 19,000 lines of Coq (including white space and comments). And in my experience, if this were compiled into a traditional paper it would be significantly shorter than the Coq version. (Of course, length of the proof really isn’t a measure of difficulty or complexity, but it is a very rough yardstick we can use.)

When talking about the limits of human knowledge, I often think about the theorems that are provable, but so complex that no human being could understand them. Probably the most complex proof we have is the classification of finite simple groups, which is thousands upon thousands of pages, and there is probably very few or no people on Earth that fully understand all of it.

As the article suggests, BB(6) could be undecidable. But it could also have a proof millions of pages long, beyond the reach of humanity.

By @DowsingSpoon - 4 months
Maybe I’m just an unsophisticated code monkey, but I read a little about Busy Beaver from time to time and I just don’t get it. Why is this an interesting problem? What do we hope to learn from it?
By @lupire - 4 months

> You need to find a mathematical reason why it can’t halt, and there’s no systematic method for finding such reasons—that was the great discovery of Gödel and Turing nearly a century ago.

That's only true for sufficiently large N, large enough to encode the halting paradox. (How large is that N? It's larger than 5!) Smaller N can and do fall to systematic methods.

> (x) = (5x+18)/3 if x = 0 (mod 3),

The second = should be \equivalent. This is a rare case where that actually matters, because is being used in both non-modular integer operations (divide by 3) and modular operations (where division by 3 is not defined).

By @Jean-Papoulos - 4 months
Can someone explain how there can a finite number of rules ? Could the rule "If it's a 0, change it to 1 and move 3 squares to the left" produce a different result than when moving 4 squares, or is that not the case ?
By @seeknotfind - 4 months
Who else thinks mxdys is an AI program gone rogue? Thank you sweet mxdys!
By @jl6 - 4 months
BB(0) = 0

BB(1) = 1

BB(2) = 4

BB(3) = 6

BB(4) = 13

They just proved that BB(5) = 47,176,870.

It is known that BB(6) must be at least 10^10^...^10 (a tower of exponents fifteen levels high).


By @wayeq - 4 months
> "After decades of uncertainty, a motley team of programmers has proved precisely how complicated simple computer programs can get."

my team has also proved this via our production codebase

By @bryan0 - 4 months
Aaronson’s post on BB(5): https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=8088
By @nayuki - 4 months
From the article:

> To distill the essence of the halting problem into a simpler form, Radó imagined sorting Turing machines into groups based on how many rules they had — one group for all one-rule Turing machines, another for all two-rule machines, and so on. Sure, that leaves infinitely many such groups, since a Turing machine can have any number of rules. But the number of distinct machines in every group is finite, since there are only so many possible combinations of rules.

> With two rules, there are already over 6,000 distinct Turing machines to consider; that number swells to millions with three rules, and to billions with four.

I'm pretty sure the standard terminology is "states", not "rules". This deviation made it harder to understand.

Each state produces 2 transition rules, depending on the symbol at the tape head.