July 2nd, 2024

The Illustrated Transformer

Jay Alammar's blog explores The Transformer model, highlighting its attention mechanism for faster training. It outperforms Google's NMT in some tasks, emphasizing parallelizability. The blog simplifies components like self-attention and multi-headed attention for better understanding.

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The Illustrated Transformer

Jay Alammar's blog delves into the concept of The Transformer, a model utilizing attention to enhance training speed in deep learning models. The Transformer surpasses Google's Neural Machine Translation model in certain tasks and is highly parallelizable, making it Google Cloud's recommended reference model for their Cloud TPU offering. The blog simplifies the model's components, detailing the encoding and decoding components, self-attention layers, and feed-forward neural networks. It explains the process of self-attention, where each word's representation is influenced by other words in the input sequence, aiding in better encoding. The post breaks down the self-attention calculation from vectors to matrices, introducing multi-headed attention to improve the model's ability to focus on different positions and maintain various representation subspaces. The blog aims to make complex machine learning concepts accessible to a broader audience by providing visualizations and explanations of each component's functionality within The Transformer model.

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By @xianshou - 4 months
Illustrated Transformer is amazing as a way of understanding the original transformer architecture step-by-step, but if you want to truly visualize how information flows through a decoder-only architecture - from nanoGPT all the way up to a fully represented GPT-3 - nothing beats this:


By @ryan-duve - 4 months
I gave a talk on using Google BERT for financial services problems at a machine learning conference in early 2019. During my preparation, this was the only resource on transformers I could find that was even remotely understandable to me.

I had a lot of trouble understand what was going on from just the original publication[0].

[0] https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762

By @crystal_revenge - 4 months
While I absolutely love this illustration (and frankly everything Jay Alammar does), it is worth recognizing there is a distinction between visualizing how a transformer (or any model really works) and what the transformer is doing.

My favorite article on the latter is Cosma Shalizi's excellent post showing that all "attention" is really doing is kernel smoothing [0]. Personally having this 'click' was a bigger insight for me than walking through this post and implementing "attention is all you need".

In a very real sense transformers are just performing compression and providing a soft lookup functionality on top of an unimaginably large dataset (basically the majority of human writing). This understanding of LLMs helps to better understand their limitations as well as their, imho untapped, usefulness.

0. http://bactra.org/notebooks/nn-attention-and-transformers.ht...

By @tomashm - 3 months
This is good, but what bade me finally understand the transformer architecture [0] and attention [1], are 3Blue1Brown's videos.

0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMlx5fFNoYc

By @photon_lines - 4 months
Great post and write-up - I also made an in-depth explorations and did my best to use visuals - for anyone interested you can find it here: https://photonlines.substack.com/p/intuitive-and-visual-guid...
By @jerpint - 4 months
I go back regligiously to this post whenever I need a quick visual refresh on how transformers work, I can’t overstate how fantastic it is