July 2nd, 2024

X Window System at 40

The X Window System, released in 1984 by Bob Scheifler, celebrated its 40th anniversary. It evolved into X11 in 1987, gaining popularity for its open-source nature and compatibility with existing applications. Reflecting on its impact, commentators highlight its resilience and continued relevance.

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X Window System at 40

The X Window System recently marked its 40th anniversary, with its first release announced by Bob Scheifler in 1984. Initially developed for the VS100, it evolved into a usable system by version 11 in 1987. David Rosenthal shared insights on his involvement in the project, highlighting the importance of a standardized window system for Unix workstations. Despite the innovative NeWS system, X11 gained popularity due to its open-source nature under the MIT license, contrasting with NeWS's closed approach. The longevity of X11 has been attributed to its compatibility with existing applications and the reluctance to rewrite for newer systems like Wayland. Reflecting on its impact, commentators emphasize the system's resilience and continued relevance in various computing environments. The X Window System's journey underscores the challenges and decisions that shaped its evolution and enduring presence in the tech landscape over four decades.


X debut 40 years ago (1984)

X debut 40 years ago (1984)

Robert W. Scheifler introduced the X window system in June 1984 for the VS100 Unix server, offering improved performance over W. The system was stable, with the Laboratory for Computer Science already transitioning to X and developing applications. Scheifler encouraged experimentation and welcomed volunteers for documentation contributions.

Let's write a video game from scratch like it's 1987

Let's write a video game from scratch like it's 1987

Philippe Gaultier created Minesweeper in 1987 using X11 without libraries, resulting in a compact executable. The article explores X authentication, Odin language usage, and minimalistic GUI development, offering insights into X11 intricacies. Source code is on GitHub.

40 years later, X Window System is far more relevant than anyone could guess

40 years later, X Window System is far more relevant than anyone could guess

The X Window System, developed by Scheifler and Gettys at MIT, remains relevant after 40 years. Its evolution from X10r4 to X11 brought graphical capabilities, cross-platform compatibility, and enduring value in academia and beyond.

I found an 8 years old bug in Xorg

I found an 8 years old bug in Xorg

An 8-year-old Xorg bug related to epoll misuse was found by a picom developer. The bug caused windows to disappear during server lock, traced to CloseDownClient events. Despite limited impact, the developer seeks alternative window tree updates, emphasizing testing and debugging tools.

Looking ahead to 30 years of FreeDOS

Looking ahead to 30 years of FreeDOS

FreeDOS, an open-source DOS implementation, marks its 30th anniversary on June 29, 2024. Created in 1994 as a response to Microsoft's DOS phase-out, it provides a free alternative for running programs efficiently.

Link Icon 3 comments
By @snvzz - 4 months
Still popular, still less broken than wayland.

I hope Wayland situation improves... plasma6 defaulting to wayland has given it a lot of exposure, which hopefully will result in betterment.

By @pvg - 4 months
Big thread a couple of weeks ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40731922