The Fourier Transform: What's Wrong with It?
The Fourier Transform is a versatile tool for signal analysis, converting time functions to frequency functions. Practical applications face challenges like accuracy issues and data windowing impact. Understanding limitations is crucial for meaningful results in engineering.
Read original articleThe Fourier Transform is a powerful mathematical tool used to analyze signal frequency components, transforming functions of time into functions of frequency. While theoretically perfect, practical applications face limitations and potential inaccuracies. Understanding these challenges is crucial for obtaining meaningful results. Various topics related to Fourier analysis, such as time histories, spectra, filtering operations, Fourier series, and the Fast Fourier Transform, are discussed. The article delves into the complexities of spectral analysis, filter shapes, and the impact of data windowing on Fourier Transform accuracy. Issues like signal continuity, transient signals, and general signal analysis are explored, highlighting the need for creative solutions to address Fourier Transform limitations. The article emphasizes the importance of compensating for these limitations to ensure accurate engineering applications. Overall, while the Fourier Transform is a valuable tool, users must be aware of its constraints and work to mitigate potential errors for reliable results.
As you learn Forth, it learns from you (1981)
The Forth programming language is highlighted for its unique features like extensibility, speed, and efficiency. Contrasted with Basic, Forth's threaded code system and data handling methods make it versatile.
The question of what's fair illuminates the question of what's hard
Computational complexity theorists repurpose fairness tools to analyze complex problems. Transitioning from multiaccuracy to multicalibration enhances understanding and simplifies approximating hard functions, benefiting algorithmic fairness and complexity theory.
The Question of What's Fair Illuminates the Question of What's Hard
Computational complexity theorists repurpose fairness tools to analyze complex problems. Transitioning from multiaccuracy to multicalibration enhances understanding of hard functions, simplifying approximations and strengthening theorems in complexity theory.
Convolutions, Fast Fourier Transform and Polynomials
Alvaro Revuelta explains efficient polynomial multiplication using Convolution, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and Python. FFT reduces complexity from $O(n^2)$ to $O(nlogn), showcasing significant efficiency gains for high-degree polynomials.
Matters Computational [pdf]
The FXT page hosts a library of efficient algorithms, complemented by the fxtbook "Matters Computational." Authored by Jörg Arndt, it offers free downloads, demo programs, and comprehensive documentation on various computational topics.
Could not find good video for EigenVectors and Nabla and all that shit. So incomprehension prevails.
As you learn Forth, it learns from you (1981)
The Forth programming language is highlighted for its unique features like extensibility, speed, and efficiency. Contrasted with Basic, Forth's threaded code system and data handling methods make it versatile.
The question of what's fair illuminates the question of what's hard
Computational complexity theorists repurpose fairness tools to analyze complex problems. Transitioning from multiaccuracy to multicalibration enhances understanding and simplifies approximating hard functions, benefiting algorithmic fairness and complexity theory.
The Question of What's Fair Illuminates the Question of What's Hard
Computational complexity theorists repurpose fairness tools to analyze complex problems. Transitioning from multiaccuracy to multicalibration enhances understanding of hard functions, simplifying approximations and strengthening theorems in complexity theory.
Convolutions, Fast Fourier Transform and Polynomials
Alvaro Revuelta explains efficient polynomial multiplication using Convolution, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and Python. FFT reduces complexity from $O(n^2)$ to $O(nlogn), showcasing significant efficiency gains for high-degree polynomials.
Matters Computational [pdf]
The FXT page hosts a library of efficient algorithms, complemented by the fxtbook "Matters Computational." Authored by Jörg Arndt, it offers free downloads, demo programs, and comprehensive documentation on various computational topics.