July 3rd, 2024

Organize Links with Precision and Speed

WebCull is a privacy-focused bookmark management tool with efficient features like folder creation, drag-and-drop organization, sharing via custom URLs, encryption, browser extensions, and planned multilingual support and AI integration.

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Organize Links with Precision and Speed

WebCull is a bookmark management tool designed for efficiency, offering features like creating folders or bookmarks by typing, drag-and-drop organization, and multi-select capabilities. Users can share folders using custom URLs with password protection through Collections. The platform ensures privacy with encryption and no data sharing. WebCull provides browser extensions for quick bookmarking and access, along with features like stacks, import options, keyboard shortcuts, and a powerful search tool. It allows customization with backgrounds and syncs changes across devices in real-time. Planned features include multilingual support, downloadable versions, content caching, AI chatbot integration, and API for website/app integration. WebCull emphasizes privacy, productivity, and ease of access for managing digital resources.

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By @nullfield - 3 months
I’d probably never pay for this, even though I want something like it conceptually-tab hell is a real thing.

$12/mo is too much, and to be honest I just don’t trust that, with the state of the enshittification-of-everything (doubly so when it comes to a new player to the market with a $144/yr for a product like this), it won’t end poorly. Too many things like this just get shut down, or sell out, or whatever, and I’m not interested in ever dealing with that kind of thing again.

By @stevenicr - 3 months
having the 'equals per day line' is meh, but I see you are using flexbox for the row, and likely ran into odd shaped cards without that line? The simplest fix me be to tell browsers that planOptions display: grid.

I noticed import as a card on home, but nothing about export.

your AI card should probably be a whole upper level block.

features I need in a bookmark thing...

find all bookmarks from Xhub and put them in a file, all saves that have mahoo dot com and put them in a different file.

look at the list of bookmarks, see that many have /news/ in them, categorize.. find that many have /news/thing and /news/other thing in them - categorize, give me a list in columns, sort by date, url, pull unique keywords from url and H tags from the page.. put in another column.

give me a goggle sheets / excel file with options for columns to keep for export.

easy to 'select all with XY OR and Z' to delete from file,

UI maybe several lines.. you have 3300 bookmarks with /news in the url, you have 300 with cpanel in the url.. checkbox, select all 300 with cpanel, delete

add visualization options

give me tag clouds,

option to spider the links in the second file and scrape the data. (options for just text, text and non-ad imagery, videos if over 30 seconds maybe) - list which are 404s, which have changed since save date.

trying to recall what I did for sorting not so long ago on laptop after downloading a sqlsiteDbrowser, bookmarks managing could be awesome, and useful, instead it's just mainly bloat but occasionally useful.

different export options, I'd pay $12, maybe once a year cleanup.