July 6th, 2024

Fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI

The GitHub repository for the `fabric` framework empowers users to integrate AI effectively. It provides setup instructions, components like Mill and Patterns, and AI agents like PraisonAI, enhancing creativity and utility.

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Fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI

The GitHub repository for the `fabric` framework offers insights into its purpose and functionality. `fabric` aims to facilitate the integration of AI into various tasks, emphasizing the empowerment of users to leverage AI effectively. The framework's philosophy centers on enhancing human creativity through technology. Users can quickly get started with `fabric` by following setup instructions provided. The ecosystem comprises components like Mill, Patterns, Stitches, and Looms, all themed around fabric-related concepts. Custom patterns can be created and utilized locally. The addition of AI agents through PraisonAI enhances the framework's capabilities. Helper apps such as `yt` for YouTube API functions and `ts` for audio transcriptions expand its utility. The repository also acknowledges contributors to the project. Overall, the `fabric` repository offers a detailed overview of the framework's features and functionalities.

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By @nyokodo - 3 months
> We believe the purpose of technology is to help humans flourish, so when we talk about AI we start with the human problems we want to solve.

This is something missing from the discussion around AI. There is fatalism or skepticism about AI capabilities vs human usefulness but very little positive philosophy about using AI to augment human capabilities rather than replace them. Even if automating everything were possible it doesn’t mean we need to and I’d argue that we should not want to.

By @bugglebeetle - 3 months
I read the entirety of the README for this and have no idea how this is useful aside from as a prompt DB. Like almost every AI library, it looks like a bunch of gestures in the direction of various hype things that don’t work (e.g. agents).
By @QuiDortDine - 3 months
Looking at the facts and references sections is an exercise in absurdity: by and large, they contain neither objective facts nor credible references. Until the thing can automatically fact-check it is useless, once it does I suspect it will become useless, as knowing what information to trust is most of the problem when trying to gain wisdom from something.
By @bluelightning2k - 3 months
I'm an "AI engineer" as I've seen others loftily describe it: meaning a traditional full stack who works on an AI first code base. I am a heavy user of the OpenAI and Gemini APIs... But I just don't understand what purpose these "AI frameworks" solve. It's almost to the point where I feel stupid for just not getting it.

You write words. Merge your context in. What possible need is there for any library?

By @rcarmo - 3 months
The nice thing about this is that it’s all CLI-based. Zero chat, zero web UIs, all UNIX-like composable patterns.
By @microbass - 3 months
I'm looking forward to the Go rewrite. Purely so it's less of a pain to declaratively install, and I can work it into my workflow.
By @efilife - 3 months
Cool. Let's take a well-known word prompt and rebrand it to pattern for no reason whatsoever, other than confusion. I know programmers love fancy labels but this is just forced
By @zersiax - 3 months
Honestly this looks cool but setting it up is a bit much. Like... I think the idea of this is cool, but by the time I've done all this setup I've more than likely forgotten what it is I was trying to do to begin with, and even when most of it's already installed I need to make sure several things are running etc. before this becomes essentially a link in the chain. That feels to me like it's going against the ease of integration the project is meant to facilitate a tiny bit. Like somebody else already stated in this thread, having a bit more of a ready-to-go solution, stick it in docker if you must, would probably help here.
By @blooalien - 3 months
d0mine [0] already mentioned this [1] (and was apparently downvoted to oblivion for saying it), but there's already another Python project named Fabric that's been around quite a while now. [2,3] Downvote me too if you like, but it's not gonna change the fact that there's already a project using that name.

- [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=d0mine

- [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40893147

- [2]: https://pypi.org/project/fabric/

- [3]: https://www.fabfile.org/

By @dhalucario - 3 months
Can we not use the name of my favorite minecraft modloader for some AI project? Thanks.
By @worstspotgain - 3 months
Small AI boats sail a rough sea in search of the new world. They can sink, never find land, or get sherlocked by massive frigates if they do.

Everyone knows it would be better to fly, i.e. go up one layer and build generic public infra instead. But then they just float off into the obligatory-xkcd-verse: https://xkcd.com/927/

By @walterbell - 3 months
Alan Kay on "AI", human augmentation and Doug Engelbart, June 2024, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40868478

  One big distinction in the 1962 time period is that they thought of “machine intelligence” as being a kind of complimentary set of thinking tools that could be “symbiotic” to how humans were able to think. They were not at all thinking about something like a slave or a major domo, but something more like a research assistant or a “Memex” (the latter was a big influence on Doug’s thinking).

  In the very late 60s the “official AI researchers” started to think that something like “intelligent Greek slaves” were needed for the “Romans” (Americans), and became rivals to Doug’s notion of elevating human thinking rather than just elevating power. This was a bad idea then … and it’s a bad idea today.
By @d0mine - 3 months
There is Fabric Python library to execute shell commands remotely over SSH https://pypi.org/project/fabric/
By @ryanmerket - 3 months
When influencers code.
By @teruakohatu - 3 months
I vouched for this post. Not sure why it or previous submissions were dead. Seems interesting.