Modern Emacs TypeScript Web Config
Setting up modern Emacs config for TypeScript web dev includes lsp-mode, Treesitter, Tailwind, TSX support, multiple LSP servers, Corfu completion, flycheck linter, eslint, Tailwind LSP, lsp-doctor, and Emacs LSP Booster.
Read original articleThis article discusses setting up a modern Emacs configuration for TypeScript web development with features like lsp-mode, treesitter, Tailwind, and TSX support. The author highlights the need for multiple LSP server support and efficient TSX parsing using Treesitter. They delve into setting up completion with Corfu, linter support with flycheck, and configuring lsp-mode for features like code actions and diagnostics. Additionally, the article covers setting up eslint, integrating Tailwind LSP server, and optimizing LSP performance using lsp-doctor and specific settings. The author also mentions Emacs LSP Booster as a solution to improve performance by asynchronously converting JSON. The article provides detailed code snippets and configurations for each setup step, aiming to enhance the Emacs environment for modern web development.
AI-powered conversion from Enzyme to React Testing Library
Slack engineers transitioned from Enzyme to React Testing Library due to React 18 compatibility issues. They used AST transformations and LLMs for automated conversion, achieving an 80% success rate.
Exposition of Front End Build Systems
Frontend build systems are crucial in web development, involving transpilation, bundling, and minification steps. Tools like Babel and Webpack optimize code for performance and developer experience. Various bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, esbuild, and Turbopack are compared for features and performance.
Avoiding Emacs Bankruptcy
Avoid "Emacs bankruptcy" by choosing efficient packages, deleting unnecessary configurations, and focusing on Emacs's core benefits. Prioritize power-to-weight ratio to prevent slowdowns and maintenance issues. Regularly reassess for a streamlined setup.
Node 18 Ate My Website
The author upgraded their Next.js website to Node.js 18, facing issues with deprecated dependencies. They rebuilt the site with TypeScript, Contentlayer, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel Analytics, emphasizing simplicity and emerging technologies.
What's Coming Next for ESLint
ESLint is evolving with version 9.0.0 changes like a new config system, rule API, and language plugins for JSON and Markdown. A core rewrite aims to modernize the API and core for better development and integration.
What’s the use of this package? Isn’t Treesitter built in Emacs (at least if compiled with tree sitter support)?
AI-powered conversion from Enzyme to React Testing Library
Slack engineers transitioned from Enzyme to React Testing Library due to React 18 compatibility issues. They used AST transformations and LLMs for automated conversion, achieving an 80% success rate.
Exposition of Front End Build Systems
Frontend build systems are crucial in web development, involving transpilation, bundling, and minification steps. Tools like Babel and Webpack optimize code for performance and developer experience. Various bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, esbuild, and Turbopack are compared for features and performance.
Avoiding Emacs Bankruptcy
Avoid "Emacs bankruptcy" by choosing efficient packages, deleting unnecessary configurations, and focusing on Emacs's core benefits. Prioritize power-to-weight ratio to prevent slowdowns and maintenance issues. Regularly reassess for a streamlined setup.
Node 18 Ate My Website
The author upgraded their Next.js website to Node.js 18, facing issues with deprecated dependencies. They rebuilt the site with TypeScript, Contentlayer, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel Analytics, emphasizing simplicity and emerging technologies.
What's Coming Next for ESLint
ESLint is evolving with version 9.0.0 changes like a new config system, rule API, and language plugins for JSON and Markdown. A core rewrite aims to modernize the API and core for better development and integration.