Dumb website only lets one user in at a time
A website by Michael Hoffman permits one user at a time, inspired by a prior site displaying online users. Its content is undisclosed until access, fostering intrigue. The site's code is accessible on Glitch.
Read original articleThis website created by Michael Hoffman allows only one person to access it at a time, while others have to wait their turn. The idea originated from a previous website showing the number of users online, prompting the creation of this unique concept. The site's content remains a mystery until a user gains access, encouraging curiosity and patience. The code for the website is available for viewing and remixing on Glitch.
I hate it.
There is a special URL that will kill your running transaction. All of the engineers know it and have it bookmarked, but it's undocumented.
<article id="content" class="inside"> <h1> Congratulations </h1>
Only you can see this website.
<p id="suckers"></p><br/>
<img class="trophy glow" src="https://cdn.glitch.global/1543e9b8-e528-46e7-9375-25300add0f54/trophy.gif?v=1646925832589" alt="clip art animated gleaming first place trophy"/>
<br/> <p>
Don't leave or you'll lose your spot.
<a id="tweet" href="#" target="_blank">
<img class="icon twitter" src="img/twitter.svg" alt="Twitter icon" />
</article> failed to start application on imherefor.me
This is most likely because your project has a code error.
Check your project logs, fix the error and try again
Maybe it got hugged to death?I started after the website was built by a cheap offshore team. It was built with JSF and we soon found that no one thought about multithreading because they only ever tested it with a single user.
Needless to say, when more than 10 users were active on the site, they would start to experience problems, like seeing eachothers data and stuff. "We" fixed the problem by adding more servers while I tried to rewrite the whole thing using spring and jsp.
The human psyche is weird.
This is most likely because your project has a code error.
Check your project logs, fix the error and try again.
- Sincerely, the Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins, John Wiley & Sons and Penguin Random House
What a funny idea!