July 11th, 2024

US and Germany foiled Russian plot to assassinate CEO of arms manufacturer

US and Germany foil Russian plot to assassinate German arms manufacturer CEO supporting Ukraine. Intelligence reveals broader Russian sabotage campaign in Europe, prompting NATO concerns over potential escalation into armed conflict.

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US and Germany foiled Russian plot to assassinate CEO of arms manufacturer

US and Germany collaborated to thwart a Russian plot aimed at assassinating Armin Papperger, the CEO of a German arms manufacturer supplying weapons to Ukraine. The intelligence revealed a series of Russian plans to target defense industry executives supporting Ukraine. The plot against Papperger was the most advanced, prompting US intervention to warn Germany and prevent the assassination. Russia's broader sabotage campaign in Europe, including arson attacks and vandalism, aims to disrupt weapon supplies to Ukraine and weaken support for Kyiv. The plot underscores the extent of Russia's covert activities in a shadow war across the West. NATO officials have raised concerns about the potential escalation of these activities into armed conflict. While some view Russia's actions as part of a hybrid campaign, officials are increasingly recognizing the lethal nature of these operations, such as assassination plots and sabotage attacks. The incident involving Papperger sheds light on the seriousness of Russia's subversive activities and the need for enhanced intelligence sharing and coordinated responses within NATO.


A Bugatti car, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans

A Bugatti car, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans

A network of Russia-based websites spreads fake news targeting the US election, involving a former Florida police officer in Moscow. Fake stories blend American and Ukrainian issues, using AI-generated articles and fake journalists. The operation aims to influence American voters with forged documents and videos, resembling past Kremlin-backed disinformation efforts. John Mark Dougan denies direct involvement but has ties to the websites, part of a broader disinformation campaign ahead of the US election.

Russia started Berlin factory fire as part of hybrid war on Europe, report says

Russia started Berlin factory fire as part of hybrid war on Europe, report says

Russian saboteurs allegedly set fire to a Berlin metal factory linked to Diehl, aiming to disrupt arms shipments to Ukraine. Suspected Russian involvement highlights espionage threats in Europe, despite legal constraints.

Leaks reveal how Russia's foreign intelligence runs disinformation campaigns

Leaks reveal how Russia's foreign intelligence runs disinformation campaigns

Leaked SVR correspondence unveils "Project Kylo," a disinformation campaign targeting the West. The operation aimed to incite fear and anti-government sentiments through fake news and social media manipulation, emphasizing fear and manipulation tactics.

Leaks reveal how Russia's foreign intelligence runs disinformation campaigns

Leaks reveal how Russia's foreign intelligence runs disinformation campaigns

Leaked SVR correspondence unveils "Project Kylo," a disinformation campaign targeting the West. SVR planned to incite anti-government sentiments through fake NGOs, news sites, and social media, emphasizing fear and manipulation tactics.

US disrupts Russian government-backed disinformation campaign that relied on AI

US disrupts Russian government-backed disinformation campaign that relied on AI

The U.S. Justice Department disrupted a Russian-backed disinformation campaign using AI to spread propaganda in the U.S. Fake social media profiles promoted Russian interests, including misinformation about Ukraine. The operation involved RT and Kremlin support, targeting multiple countries.

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By @ProjectArcturis - 3 months
Russia has famously poisoned or otherwise assassinated countless dissidents and political opponents. But as far as I can tell, they have never openly killed a NATO citizen in a NATO country. That would be a substantial bridge to cross, and I expect there would need to be retribution for such an act.
By @aiauthoritydev - 3 months
At the core of the Russia-Ukraine war there is something that we should all be somewhat concerned about.

It is clear that USA remains an economic, cultural, moral and even spiritual powerhouse as other civilizations go through all sort of turbulence. By virtue of this, other "western" value nations like EU nations, Japan, Australia, South Korea etc. are doing well and likely to do well and benefit. Together we beat covid, invented magic pills for obesity, moved towards cheaper and better energy sources and kept our institutions strong. Even the Islamic and north african immigrants did not cause any collapse that our enemies planned for us.

People around the world continue to line up to immigrate to west legally or illegally. It is a huge success for us.

Now, we have AI. With few more gains this can transform our economy and way of life like nothing else.

I see Russia, China, India and Arab world feel depressed about this that there is nothing they can do about this. They will not be able to catch up with us ever. They take pride in being "thousand year old civilization" but they are being outfoxxed by bunch of cowboys and LGBTQ folks at every step

Russia-Ukraine war or Chinese war on Taiwan is not just a local war but rather an act of desperation from these states due to the realization that their culture and society is a loser culture and society.

I expect this sort of assassination attempts to be on rise now.

By @j0hnyl - 3 months
How is this not an act of war against Germany?
By @josefritzishere - 3 months
There is a layer of abstraction between warring nation states. In the case of Ukraine you can argue it's a proxy-war, a seconf layer of abstraction. There is an unthinkable future in the possibility of nation states directly targeting the Corporations that fuel war.
By @itsoktocry - 3 months
>“We’re seeing sabotage, we’re seeing assassination plots, we’re seeing arson. We’re seeing things that have a cost in human lives,” a senior NATO official told reporters on Tuesday. “I believe very much that we’re seeing a campaign of covert sabotage activities from Russia that have strategic consequences.”

Uh, yeah, they are literally at war.

Is this the next stage of trying to rope NATO into this?