July 11th, 2024

Show HN: Leaderboard of Top GitHub Repositories Based on Stars

The top starred GitHub repositories cover various topics like programming, tools, and resources. They include freeCodeCamp, free-programming-books, and awesome, with details on stars, forks, issues, and licenses.

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Show HN: Leaderboard of Top GitHub Repositories Based on Stars

This news piece provides a list of the top starred GitHub repositories as of the latest update. The repositories are ranked based on the number of stars they have received from users. The list includes a variety of repositories covering different topics such as programming, development tools, frameworks, and resources. Some of the top repositories mentioned are related to freeCodeCamp, free-programming-books, and awesome. Each repository is accompanied by information on the number of stars, forks, open issues, and the license under which it is distributed. The repositories feature a mix of licenses including MIT License, Apache License 2.0, BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License, and others. The list showcases popular repositories in the GitHub community, reflecting the diverse interests and contributions of developers worldwide.

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By @OuterVale - 8 months
Interesting that there seems to be a bias towards frontend development.

Lots of JavaScript and related frameworks.