July 12th, 2024

Moiré Error in Doom

The Moiré error in Doom versions pre-v1.4 affected tall rooms, causing a flashing screen pattern near walls. Fixed in v1.4 for normal heights, v1.9 still had severe issues in extreme heights. The bug stemmed from numeric overflow in linedefs, leading to infinite tiling of a neighboring sector's flat, resembling a large-scale slime trail.

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Moiré Error in Doom

The Moiré error in Doom versions before v1.4 was a bug affecting rooms with ceilings 560 units or higher, causing a flashing pattern on the screen when the player approached a wall. This glitch worsened with taller rooms. While version 1.4 fixed it for areas of reasonable height, a more severe version persisted in v1.9 for extreme height areas. The error resulted from numeric overflow in drawing linedefs, causing a neighboring sector's flat to be tiled infinitely, covering a large portion of the screen. The issue is technically similar to a slime trail but on a larger scale. A video demonstrating this error is available on YouTube.

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