July 14th, 2024

New large value estimates for Dirichlet polynomials

The paper by Larry Guth and James Maynard introduces enhanced bounds for Dirichlet polynomials, impacting prime number theory and the Riemann zeta function. It offers zero density estimates and primes' behavior in short intervals, aiding prime number distribution comprehension. The 48-page paper falls under Number Theory with MSC classes 11M26 and 11N05, holding substantial implications for number theory.

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New large value estimates for Dirichlet polynomials

The paper titled "New large value estimates for Dirichlet polynomials" by Larry Guth and James Maynard presents improved bounds on the frequency of Dirichlet polynomials taking large values. These estimates are crucial in analytic number theory concerning prime numbers and the Riemann zeta function. The research results in a zero density estimate and provides asymptotic behavior for primes in short intervals. The findings contribute to understanding the distribution of prime numbers and related functions. The paper is 48 pages long and falls under the subject of Number Theory with MSC classes 11M26 and 11N05. The implications of the new estimates have significant implications for various aspects of number theory.


How does a computer/calculator compute logarithms?

How does a computer/calculator compute logarithms?

Computers and calculators compute logarithms using geometric series and polynomial equations from calculus. Natural logarithm's relation to $\frac{1}{1+x}$ is explained through curve areas. Polynomial series derived from integrating geometric series compute natural logarithms, but converge quickly only for $|x| < \frac{1}{2}."

Physicists accidentally found a new way to represent pi

Physicists accidentally found a new way to represent pi

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Latest Breakthrough from String Theory

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The Biggest Problem in Mathematics Is Finally a Step Closer to Being Solved

The Biggest Problem in Mathematics Is Finally a Step Closer to Being Solved

Mathematicians Larry Guth and James Maynard made progress on the Riemann Hypothesis, a key problem in prime number distribution. Their work offers insights and techniques for potential breakthroughs in mathematics.

String Theory Unravels New Pi Formula: A Quantum Leap in Mathematics

String Theory Unravels New Pi Formula: A Quantum Leap in Mathematics

Scientists at IISc discovered a new pi representation through string theory, combining Euler-Beta Function and Feynman Diagram. This simplifies high-energy particle calculations, potentially impacting various fields with practical applications.

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