July 15th, 2024

Undergraduate Texts in Mathematical Comics – A Tour of Complex Analysis

The website showcases mathematical comics by Andrea Tomatis, introducing rigorous concepts like Complex Analysis. Supported by the National Science Foundation, it combines math rigor with comics to engage readers effectively.

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Undergraduate Texts in Mathematical Comics – A Tour of Complex Analysis

The website features mathematical comics created by the author and collaborator Andrea Tomatis, focusing on rigorous mathematical concepts. The first release showcased is a brief Tour of Complex Analysis. The work on the website receives partial support from the National Science Foundation through grants related to Stability, Kähler geometry, the Hele-Shaw flow (DMS 1749447), and Analytic Methods in Complex Algebraic Geometry (DMS 1707661). The site emphasizes a blend of mathematical rigor and comic presentation to engage readers in exploring complex mathematical ideas.

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By @munchler - 8 months
I like this idea, but the presentation is essentially a handwritten textbook, which is close to the worst of both worlds. Some interesting drawings would be more helpful, or at least more entertaining, than plain text that is difficult to read. (Sorry to be downer. I really wanted to like this.)
By @abeppu - 8 months
I think this was just normal math exposition but presumably more labor intensive to produce. We get a sequence of generic graphical containers for blurbs of text (e.g. an image of an open booklet, a sign, a spiral-bound notebook), and speech bubbles from unnamed, featureless non-characters. As a comic, it's shallow and uncreative. There are some diagrams, but these would just as easily have been at home in any other didactic presentation. I think the only benefit the "comic" format gives is that it pressured the authors to be punchy, breaking the material into small chunks that fit into these graphical elements. That's good -- but the same small chunks could have been packaged in some other form just as easily.


By @gs17 - 8 months
I also really wanted to like this, but I'd say it feels like I got a used textbook someone else doodled in all the margins of. My expectation was something more like Math Girls or The Manga Guides.
By @pictureofabear - 8 months
Was this generated by AI? It seems like a copy-paste of a math textbook into a the form of a comic (but without the substance of a comic).