July 16th, 2024

Commodore 64 Fitness Watch (2022)

The C64 Fitness Watch is a smartwatch syncing fitness data with a Commodore 64. It uses an onboard BASIC interpreter, accelerometer, and IR transmitter for wireless data transfer. Developed by Nick Bild, it merges retro computing with modern wearables.

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Commodore 64 Fitness Watch (2022)

The C64 Fitness Watch is a project that involves a C64-themed smartwatch designed to sync fitness data wirelessly with a Commodore 64 computer. The smartwatch, based on the Lilygo T-Watch 2020, features an onboard BASIC interpreter and an accelerometer used as a step counter. The project showcases a method to wirelessly sync data between the smartwatch and the Commodore 64 using an infrared transmitter on the watch and an IR receiver connected to an Arduino Micro. The process involves encoding data into IR pulses, decoding them on the computer side, and updating step count data on the Commodore 64 screen. Instructions are provided for setting up the T-Watch Library in Arduino IDE and loading necessary programs onto the Commodore 64. The project is detailed by Nick Bild, who specializes in R&D and creative technology projects. The C64 Fitness Watch project demonstrates a unique blend of retro computing and modern wearable technology.

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By @yjftsjthsd-h - 8 months
I'm surprised that the watch firmware (mentioned in this and the linked https://github.com/nickbild/c64_watch ) "features a C64 theme and a built-in BASIC interpreter" but doesn't seem to literally emulate a C64, which is what I'd assumed on reading the title. Though in a sense this is cool because it's more "realistic" - if we had smartwatches in a world where C64s were current, this is closer to what it'd look like. I think. :)