July 16th, 2024

Parametric Matrix Models

Parametric matrix models, inspired by quantum physics, learn equations for desired outputs efficiently. Versatile and accurate, they excel in various machine learning tasks, offering interpretable results and input extrapolation.

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Parametric Matrix Models

The article discusses parametric matrix models, a class of machine learning algorithms that differ from traditional models by using matrix equations inspired by the physics of quantum systems. These models learn equations to achieve desired outputs, similar to solving physics problems. They can be trained efficiently from data and utilize algebraic, differential, or integral relations. While initially intended for scientific computing, the study demonstrates that parametric matrix models are universal function approximators applicable to various machine learning challenges. The models exhibit accuracy and efficiency across different tasks, providing interpretable results and allowing for input feature extrapolation. The research showcases the versatility and performance of parametric matrix models in addressing a wide range of problems, highlighting their potential in the field of machine learning.

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By @bionhoward - 6 months
Looks like a cool idea and it could benefit from a more complete and detailed illustration and explanation of the architecture.

Reads like the authors skip to implications before clarifying the design.

Also, a stylistic sidenote, narrower columns of text are much easier to read, newspapers and journals do this for good reason

By @cs702 - 6 months
Huh, interesting.

According to the authors, these "parameteric matrix models" or PMMs outperform:

* commonly used (zero- or low-parameter) regression models like XGBoost, random forests, kNN, and support vector machines on a variety of regression tasks, and

* DNNs with 10x to 100x more parameters on small-scale image classification tasks like MNIST variants, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 -- albeit with a lot of feature engineering.

It looks promising, but I cannot find a link to the authors' code for replicating their experiments.