July 21st, 2024

PgManage: Modern, cross platform graphical database client

PgManage is a graphical client for Postgres databases, based on OmniDB. Visit the PgManage website for installation, documentation, and setup instructions, including details for Ubuntu and dependencies.

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PgManage: Modern, cross platform graphical database client

PgManage is a modern graphical database client designed for managing Postgres databases. It is built on the foundation laid by the original project OmniDB. For those interested in learning more about PgManage, including installation guidelines, documentation, and release notes, the PgManage Website & Downloads link and the PgManage Full Documentation link provide comprehensive information. Additionally, detailed instructions for setting up PgManage on Ubuntu, installing necessary dependencies, and running the application can be found on the provided URL.


Automatically setup pgAdmin with a Docker database

Automatically setup pgAdmin with a Docker database

Developer experience is enhanced by configuring a PostgreSQL local environment with Docker Compose. Defining variables and leveraging folders streamlines setup. Integrating pgAdmin automates connections, improving efficiency and simplifying future deployments.

WhoDB: Lightweight next-gen database explorer

WhoDB: Lightweight next-gen database explorer

WhoDB is a database management tool by Clidey, written in GoLang. It features interactive graphs for database schema visualization, supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, MongoDB, and Redis. It aims for Adminer's simplicity with improved user experience and performance. Access the WhoDB GitHub Repository for details.

Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits

Mongo but on Postgres and with strong consistency benefits

The Pongo project on GitHub offers a tool for utilizing MongoDB-like syntax on Postgres with strong consistency benefits. It supports data operations in Postgres and provides a MongoDB-compatible shim. Visit the GitHub repository for details.

Barman: Implement disaster recovery solutions for PostgreSQL databases

Barman: Implement disaster recovery solutions for PostgreSQL databases

Barman simplifies PostgreSQL disaster recovery by enabling easy online backups. It emphasizes proactive planning, leveraging Point In Time Recovery for precise data restoration. Centralized management and backup cataloging enhance efficiency and collaboration with EnterpriseDB.

Postgres vs. Pinecone

Postgres vs. Pinecone

Postgres and Pinecone differ in performance and cost. Pinecone criticizes Postgres for index issues, while Postgres showcases superior performance with tweaks, specialized indexes, and cost-effectiveness, offering transparency and customization.

AI: What people are saying
The article on PgManage, a graphical client for Postgres databases, has sparked various discussions.
  • Some users find PgManage lacking in basic connectivity options, such as support for Unix sockets.
  • There are comparisons with other database clients like pgAdmin, DBeaver, and IntelliJ's database client, with some users preferring these alternatives.
  • Concerns are raised about the new developers' anonymity and potential security risks.
  • Positive feedback highlights the debugger support inherited from OmniDB and the interesting tech stack involving Django and NW.js.
  • Suggestions for other tools like Azure Data Studio and Jailer are mentioned as alternatives.
Link Icon 19 comments
By @justinclift - 3 months
Just tried this out, and although it visually looks ok it doesn't seem to even support basic connectivity options like unix sockets.

eg the hostname field for new connections must be a hostname or IP address, and can't take things like `/var/run/postgresql`.

That's super unfortunate. :(


As a data point, the program seems to create config files (on Linux) under `~/.config/PgManage` and `~/.pgmanage`. If you delete the application after testing, you might as well nuke those two dirs as well.

By @infamia - 3 months
This is great! OmniDB, which PgManage is based off of, was one of the very few free SQL IDEs that supported a debugger. Granted, the debugger UI was pretty clunky, but it did work.


By @jand - 3 months
Is there an existing comparison between pgManage and pgAdmin somewhere?

At first glance, it seems they serve the same purpose. Am i missing something? (besides the support for some other DBs - but pgManage states to target postgres primarily)

By @tomjen3 - 3 months
How does this compare with something like DBeaver, my goto graphical DB client?
By @eqvinox - 3 months
nit: it's not a graphical database client, it's a browser-hosted database client.

A "graphical" database client would be running as a standalone application outside any browser.

[… according to the definitions I'm familiar with …]

By @harisamin - 3 months
My goto these days is TablePlus https://tableplus.com. Native desktop client (no electron). UI is pretty standard, polished, and IMHO great. Supports PG really well (amongst other RDBMSes and some NoSQL dbs).

Yes it's not open source but its free version is still great.

By @tempest_ - 3 months
This looks nice.

I have been looking for a DB client for postgres that seems to match the correct amount of features and interface that phpmyadmin has.

Not really a fan of pgadmin, I just find the interface to be too clunky.

By @throwaway109752 - 3 months
I've been using Jailer, which has a unique graphical join view which is quite handy: https://wisser.github.io/Jailer/data-browsing.html
By @adultSwim - 3 months
I've been using Azure Data Studio with the Postgres plugin. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/data-studio
By @codemusings - 3 months
That's an interesting stack choice. A desktop client that uses Django as a backend. I kept wondering how this is rendered client side. TIL about NW.js.
By @cyberax - 3 months
Nice! The only thing it's missing is support for RDS databases with IAM authentication. Patches incoming...
By @dewey - 3 months
If you are interested in this there's of course also the mature https://www.pgadmin.org. It's available for many platforms as an app or Docker image.
By @febed - 3 months
Why use this over dbeaver?
By @switch007 - 3 months
IntelliJ's database client is excellent too (available in many of their IDEs, cross platform - but only available in the paid versions I believe). Auto complete, many export options, editing, record views, results diffing, vast amounts of supported engines, and so much more

I don't think I've ever encountered a bug in 5 plus years of using it


By @janice1999 - 3 months
This is a fork and the new developers have no companies or social media profiles linked from their GitHub profiles. After the attempted XZ Utils backdoor attempt, that is a major red flag for me.