The Unix Pipe Card Game
The UNIX Pipe Card Game teaches kids Unix commands like cat, grep, tail, head, wc, sort, and uniq through tasks involving pipe chains. It offers fun and educational gameplay for children.
Read original articleThe UNIX Pipe Card Game is designed to teach kids how to combine Unix commands using pipes. Parents familiar with basic Unix commands like cat, grep, tail, head, wc, sort, and uniq can engage their children in learning through this game. The game involves tasks such as printing specific lines, counting occurrences, and creating command chains. Players compete to complete tasks with the shortest or longest pipe chains. Additional expansion packs are available for more advanced gameplay. The game is available for purchase or as a printable PDF. The rules involve selecting tasks, shuffling cards, and completing tasks in a clockwise manner to earn points. The game offers a fun and educational way to introduce Unix commands to children. Other card games by the same author cover topics like programming in Python, pointers, machine code, and function composition.
Pipes: A spiritual successor to Yahoo Pipes
Pipes is a visual tool for manipulating feeds, allowing users to create, modify, and share feeds using blocks. It supports various input formats and offers features like sharing, tagging, and bug reporting.
Show HN: Bash Dungeon – An educational dungeon crawler in the shell
The GitHub repository hosts "Bash Dungeon," a dungeon crawler game implemented in bash using directories. Players learn shell commands interactively. Access via GitPod, Docker, or locally for educational shell usage.
- Several users express appreciation for the game's ability to teach Unix commands effectively.
- There are discussions about the practicality of printing the game materials and sharing them with others.
- Some commenters question whether children can grasp the concepts involved in the game.
- Concerns about shipping costs for the game are raised, particularly for international orders.
- Users share additional resources and games related to programming and computer science.
btw, you might also like which is a buffer overflow riscv assembly board game, or depending on your kid's level you can also play snakes and ladders with gotos
Also if you have kids, I would recommend you print which has amazing pranks that fit in one poker card (e.g. randomly hitting backspace or space every 30 seconds, or pressing W randomly if minecraft is open)
I am donating a lot of the decks to teachers and schools, so if you are interested send me an email.
PS: I am in London for 1 more week, so if you order decks now the shipping will be delayed, but I will make sure I add 1-2 extra decks in the package because of it.
PPS: the unix pipes expansion deck is all about process substitution, but I don't think its useful for kids, though I think it contains nice puzzles
cat file.txt | tr a-z A-Z | sort (loser)
tr < file.txt a-z A-Z | sort (winner!)
anybody in Greater Vancouver wanna do a bulk order w me?
Pipes: A spiritual successor to Yahoo Pipes
Pipes is a visual tool for manipulating feeds, allowing users to create, modify, and share feeds using blocks. It supports various input formats and offers features like sharing, tagging, and bug reporting.
Show HN: Bash Dungeon – An educational dungeon crawler in the shell
The GitHub repository hosts "Bash Dungeon," a dungeon crawler game implemented in bash using directories. Players learn shell commands interactively. Access via GitPod, Docker, or locally for educational shell usage.