July 26th, 2024

Show HN: Anyma V, a powerful hybrid physical modelling virtual instrument

Anyma V is a hybrid virtual instrument by Aodyo Instruments that blends electronic music with physical modeling, simulating various acoustic sounds. It supports multiple platforms and MIDI controllers, currently priced at €79.00.

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Show HN: Anyma V, a powerful hybrid physical modelling virtual instrument

Anyma V is a hybrid physical modeling virtual instrument developed by Aodyo Instruments, designed to create unique soundscapes by blending electronic music elements with advanced physical modeling technology. It simulates acoustic sounds from instruments like strings and reeds, as well as resonating materials such as wood, glass, and metal. As the virtual counterpart to the Anyma Phi hardware synthesizer, Anyma V shares the same sound engine and patch format, allowing for seamless patch creation and transfer between the two. It supports polyphonic capabilities and can run multiple instances within a digital audio workstation (DAW). The instrument is compatible with any MIDI controller, including MPE controllers, making it accessible for both experienced users and beginners. Anyma V is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, functioning as both a standalone application and a plugin in VST3 and Audio Unit formats. The current promotional price is €79.00, reduced from €159.00. Users can download a demo version to try before purchasing. System requirements include a minimum of 1 GB RAM and 100 MB of disk space, with specific processor and operating system requirements varying by platform.

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By @127 - 7 months
I was expecting a blog post or something better like a Youtube video explaining the instrument and demonstrating what's unique about it and how it works, but instead got a direct link to the purchase page. Is this just blatant low effort advertising?

If you care about wind controllers, you might "easily" be able to make one for yourself with a pressure sensor (one with HX710B chip looks good), standard 4 to 2.5mm pneumatic tubing, Y-piece, melodica tube and a mouthpiece, and RP2040 that converts the pressure sensor input into USB MIDI in. Costs a couple of bucks.

By @brudgers - 8 months
Looks like Aodyo makes wind controllers

Last year I slaked my curiosity and eBay'd a Yamaha EW20 about for about hundred credits. The EW20 is a student grade wind synthesizer made for a future that never was - a future where synthesizers were an ordinary part of music education. The sound module has four OP FM (but only presets), a single primitive modulation thumb control, and DIN MIDI.

Of course, DIN MIDI means any synthesis engine is only a cable away modulo budget. So timbrely it's not student grade and about the same faff as Yamaha's WX series of professional wind controllers.

For me, making sound with my breathing is amazingly satisfying (when I do so and am here reminded that I should do it again soon) and a wind controller strings my notes together in ways that really can't be replicated by plucking or striking. [0] Modulo I can't play anything beyond the radio well and don't have the chops for MPE...

Anyway, the product is not for me because my jam is as dawless as possible and I vastly prefer bespoke hardware interfaces. But that's my jam, not yours.

[0] I played trumpet for four years until I was kicked out of band in 8th grade and sold my beat-up Olds at a garage sale when I was thirty without regret.

By @a2128 - 7 months
Is there any way to use this plugin with LMMS? I tried loading the .vst3 but it didn't seem to work. It might be that it only supports VST2 (and LADSPA and LV2)
By @yungporko - 7 months
very interested in plugins like these but i'm not about to buy it without hearing any sound demos. i'll be keeping an eye on this though.
By @brcmthrowaway - 7 months
Is this a VST?