July 30th, 2024

Show HN: Browser Based RDP and SSH

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. This guide details its installation and configuration using Docker on Linux, covering prerequisites, Docker installation, and accessing the web interface.

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Show HN: Browser Based RDP and SSH

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway that supports protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH. This guide outlines the installation and configuration of Apache Guacamole using Docker containers on a Linux machine. The prerequisites include a Linux server (Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, or Rocky Linux) and basic knowledge of Docker and Linux commands.

The installation process begins with installing Docker Engine, which involves updating the package index and installing necessary packages. For Ubuntu, commands include `sudo apt-get update` and `sudo apt install docker.io -y`. For Red Hat, CentOS, and Rocky Linux, the commands involve using `yum` to install Docker.

Next, the necessary Docker images for Apache Guacamole and its dependencies are downloaded using `docker pull`. The MariaDB container is then run with specific environment variables for database configuration. After initializing the Guacamole database schema, the Guacamole and Guacd containers are started.

Once all containers are operational, users can access the Guacamole web interface via a web browser at the specified IP address and port. The default login credentials are provided, and users are advised to change the default password for security.

This guide successfully leads users through the installation and configuration of Apache Guacamole, enabling them to manage remote desktop connections through a web interface.

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By @oarsinsync - 7 months
> Show HN is for something you've made that other people can play with. HN users can try it out, give you feedback, and ask questions in the thread.

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Source: https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html