August 6th, 2024

Blackhouses of Scotland

Blackhouses, traditional dwellings in Scotland and Ireland, featured thatched roofs and shared spaces with animals. Some remained inhabited until the 1970s, with restored examples now in Gearrannan and Arnol.

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Blackhouses of Scotland

Blackhouses were traditional dwellings found in the highlands of Scotland and Ireland, characterized by their long, narrow structure, dry-stone walls, and thatched roofs darkened by soot from an indoor peat fire. These houses lacked chimneys, resulting in smoke accumulation that escaped through the porous roofs, which also served to kill insects and fertilize the thatch used in agriculture. The living space was shared with animals, separated by a partition, and the floor was typically earthen. The term "blackhouse" arose in contrast to newer "white houses" built with stone and lime mortar, which adhered to stricter health regulations separating humans from livestock. Some blackhouses remained inhabited until the 1970s, although they were later modified to include fireplaces and chimneys. Today, notable examples of blackhouses can be found in Gearrannan and Arnol on the Isle of Lewis, where several have been restored or preserved as museums, providing insight into the historical living conditions of their occupants.

- Blackhouses were traditional Scottish and Irish dwellings with unique architectural features.

- They were characterized by thatched roofs and shared living spaces with animals.

- The term "blackhouse" contrasts with newer "white houses" built under health regulations.

- Some blackhouses were inhabited until the 1970s, later modified for modern living.

- Restored blackhouses can be visited in Gearrannan and Arnol, Isle of Lewis.

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By @kamaitachi - 7 months
Scotland and Ireland are intimately linked by a common language (Gaelic). As an Irish person who speaks English (for obvious historical reasons), visiting Scotland blew my mind because of the common language.

Here’s an example of a simple stone house from the south west of Ireland:

Note that these are some houses from Skellig Michael, used as a film location for one of the Star Wars movies Edit: typo

By @Steve44 - 7 months
I was going to add that when my father, from Fife on the east coast to Scotland, went to Iceland he was very interested to find out that he could understand many of the place names.

He didn't speak a different language, but had quite a strong accent and also quite a lot of different words. [edit to clarify compared to me born & bred in England]

The main example he used was Kirkjubæjarklaustur which translates as "church farm cloister".

However looking it up this morning adds more depth to the history of the language.

> Even before the time of the first Norse settlement in Iceland, Irish monks are thought to have lived here. Since 1186, a well known convent of Benedictine nuns, Kirkjubæjar Abbey, was located in Kirkjubæjarklaustur, until the Reformation in 1550.

By @dave333 - 7 months
One of these with a rocket mass heater

would solve the smoke and heating problems in one go. Wouldn't need trees either as you could burn whatever is providing the thatch material - small sticks/brush.

By @kgeist - 7 months
Interesting, in Northern Russia they also had no chimneys up until the beginning of the 20th century (in other places, chimneys were introduced much earlier). They also called it "black heating".

How common was it in Medieval Europe?

By @dave333 - 7 months
Why does this remind me of the Four Yorkshiremen comedy sketch - "You were lucky! We lived in hole in the ground."

By @alehlopeh - 7 months
The smoke killing bugs in the roof is a pretty nice feature.
By @Woshiwuja - 7 months
The Companions barracks
By @syntaxgoonoo - 7 months
Soil and Soul by Alastair McIntosh talks a lot about these types of dwellings, and the culture of the people who lived in them. It’s a must read if you are interested in learning about the history of that part of the world.