August 15th, 2024

The Web We've (Never) Lost

Jan Vlnas' talk at PragueJS highlights the decline of mainstream web platforms, introducing the "peripheral web" as a vibrant alternative. He encourages exploring decentralized spaces and personal websites for creativity.

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The Web We've (Never) Lost

The talk presented by Jan Vlnas at the PragueJS meetup in February 2024 discusses the perceived decline of the web, particularly mainstream platforms like Google and Twitter, and introduces the concept of the "peripheral web." Vlnas argues that while many feel the web is deteriorating, there remains a vibrant, non-mainstream web where creativity thrives without the constraints of corporate interests. He highlights the phenomenon of "enshittification," a term coined by Cory Doctorow, which describes how platforms initially serve users well but eventually exploit them for profit, leading to their decline. Vlnas encourages attendees to explore alternative online spaces, such as personal websites, blogs, and decentralized platforms like Mastodon, as a way to reclaim the joy of the web. He suggests various tools for discovering this peripheral web, including alternative search engines, webrings, and online communities. The talk emphasizes the importance of reading, curating, and creating content in these spaces to foster a more human-scale and sustainable internet experience.

- The concept of "enshittification" explains the decline of online platforms as they prioritize profit over user experience.

- There is a thriving "peripheral web" that offers alternatives to mainstream social media and corporate platforms.

- Tools like alternative search engines and webrings can help users discover content outside of major platforms.

- Encouraging personal website creation can help individuals reclaim their online presence and creativity.

- Engaging with the indie web through reading and curating content can contribute to a healthier online ecosystem.

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By @mrinfinitiesx - 7 months
Nice. As somebody who's bored out of their mind with the internet... I eat this stuff up. I like originality.. Authenticity... cool little projects with websites, where I don't have to go hunt and look for them, all segregated / half abandoned.

I don't want to see twitter, facebook, AI or AI generated anything, political agenda, echo chambers, just some good stuff, good fun, that kind of brings that a bit back for me. thank you. everything now is some AI, or some app with $29.99 slapped on it telling me its the next best thing with 350 buzzwords.

The internet.. it's something else now adays, not saying its different from what it use to be... but taking a look at the top 100 most visited websites, it kind of speaks for itself. Dystopic.