August 16th, 2024

Automating My /Now Page

Akash Goswami automated his "now" page using a Go script and GitHub Actions, improving update efficiency and enhancing his programming skills by utilizing the gofeed package for RSS feeds.

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Automating My /Now Page

Akash Goswami details his process of automating the "now" page on his personal website using a Go script and GitHub Actions. A "now" page showcases what an individual is currently focused on, contrasting with a traditional "about" page. Initially, updating the page manually became cumbersome due to frequent changes in the media section, prompting him to seek automation. He drew inspiration from other developers who had tackled similar challenges, particularly Robb Knight and Sophie Koonin, and decided to create a solution using Go, as he wanted to enhance his skills in that language. He utilized the gofeed package to fetch data from RSS feeds, starting with movie tracking through Letterboxd. He developed functions to parse movie titles and URLs, ensuring they were formatted correctly for his now page. For books, he transitioned from GoodReads to Oku, which offered better organization and valid RSS feeds. He generalized his functions to handle various RSS feeds, allowing for a more streamlined approach to updating his now page. The project not only improved the efficiency of updating his website but also enhanced his programming skills.

- Akash Goswami automated his "now" page using Go and GitHub Actions.

- The automation was inspired by other developers' solutions to similar problems.

- He utilized the gofeed package to fetch and parse data from RSS feeds.

- The project improved the efficiency of updating his website and enhanced his programming skills.

- He transitioned from GoodReads to Oku for better book tracking capabilities.

AI: What people are saying
The comments reflect a variety of perspectives on the concept of "now" pages and personal data tracking.
  • Some users express nostalgia for the original intent of "now" pages, preferring broader life updates over list-like data.
  • Others share their own personal tracking pages, highlighting the diverse ways people document their lives.
  • Concerns are raised about the sustainability and mental toll of constantly logging personal data.
  • There is a debate on the value of aggregating data versus sharing personal experiences and projects.
  • Some commenters question the relevance of "now" pages in today's digital landscape.
Link Icon 13 comments
By @pflenker - 7 months
I think it's a bit sad that /now pages are going into a direction of listicles/media people consume and so on. The original explanation about what /now pages are has this following sentence [0]: "Think of what you’d tell a friend you hadn’t seen in a year.". This, in my opinion, encapsulates the beauty of /now pages. When I see a friend after a year, I do not start by listing all the books I read recently - I start with my life in broad strokes (and _then_ I might go into these listicles). I wish /now pages went back to this. Here's mine, by the way:


By @anandchowdhary - 7 months
Looks great! My website has a /life page ( where I track all my life & health data, including:

  - yearly themes and quarterly personal OKRs
  - my live location (yes, really)
  - books I read, music I listen to
  - biomarkers, health and fitness data, sleep records
They are all tracked on GitHub as open source JSON APIs: and built using GitHub Actions.
By @Arainach - 7 months
I'm curious how folks feel after trying to compile information like this long term. Data is cool, but constantly logging everything you do in discrete chunks is not. Not only the constant demands from every company you interact with to "fill out this short survey" and rank things, but to log every book I read, every calorie I consume, every beer I's exhausting and I've burned out hard on all of it. Do people actually keep up with this for more than a few months?
By @rcarmo - 7 months
So this is like a finger ~/.plan file, but in HTML.

It's kind of fun to compare the amount of resources used between, say, John Carmack's time at id and this - I would bet this requires several orders of magnitude more compute :)

By @ericyd - 7 months
I would posit that this post is a more useful entry into a /now page than a collection of data from third party services. If I want to follow my friends' interests in a specific area of media (e.g. movies) then I'm inclined to log in to that service and see their recent reviews. I'm not sure an aggregator like this actually provides value to readers. On the other hand, reading about a fun software project about integrating with disparate APIs via custom Go scripts seems like a much more interesting personal site post. I guess I'm just really not sold on the benefits of a /now page.
By @willhackett - 7 months
Very cool.

I once did something similar using sockets and Cloudflare's Durable Objects. I had my current playing song, workout minutes and git commit count.

It was a bit unreliable when I switched to Apple Music so it's gone away for now.

This has inspired me to make it again.

By @jamietanna - 7 months
I update my /now page manually ( and prefer it that way to make it intentional.

For some level of automated updates, I have my README ( or ie that provides a more recent view of things

There's a lot of stuff I track, like podcasts I listen to ( or number of steps I take ( but I don't feel like things like that should be on my /now

(I do need to rethink what is on my /now page, tbh)

By @kaeruct - 7 months
Nice, took a while to find the actual now page to see.

You should look into why this is being double-scaped:

>Kiki’s Delivery Service

By @the2ndfloorguy - 7 months
very nice! My website has a /open-dashboard page ( and I'm putting : - workout data - current location - social media metrics - my bike report card (every single expense, performance etc)
By @ahmedbaracat - 7 months
I love the idea of a /Now page. I just wished there was a way to make it only accessible to people I care about enough to share these. Or a way to have certain sections private unless you are a close friend for an example.
By @Dachande663 - 7 months
I still have a /now page, but it follows the 2007 Web 2.0 trend of basically been a stream from audioscrobbler, Flickr, blog etc (or their modern replacements). Life updates are just blog posts
By @jp57 - 7 months
Is it just me, or does a desire to tell the whole world what you're up to every moment feel very ten-years-ago?
By @moralestapia - 7 months is a 404

... A for effort?