September 3rd, 2024

Yubikey Security Advisory YSA-2024-03 Infineon Ecdsa Private Key Recovery

Yubico issued a security advisory about a vulnerability in Infineon’s cryptographic library affecting YubiKey and YubiHSM devices. Users should update firmware and enhance physical security measures to mitigate risks.

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Yubikey Security Advisory YSA-2024-03 Infineon Ecdsa Private Key Recovery

A security advisory (YSA-2024-03) has been issued by Yubico regarding a vulnerability in Infineon’s cryptographic library, affecting several YubiKey and YubiHSM models with firmware versions prior to 5.7.0 and 2.4.0, respectively. The vulnerability, rated with a CVSS score of 4.9, allows an attacker with physical access to the devices to potentially recover private keys through sophisticated attacks. This primarily impacts FIDO use cases, as the affected functionality is integral to the FIDO standard. Other applications, such as YubiKey PIV and OpenPGP, may also be at risk depending on user configurations. Yubico has since removed the dependency on Infineon’s library in favor of its own cryptographic solutions to enhance security. Users are advised to check their device versions and consider mitigation strategies, such as using RSA signing keys and adjusting identity provider settings to reduce exposure. The advisory highlights the importance of physical security and the need for organizations to implement additional authentication measures to safeguard against potential exploits.

- A vulnerability in Infineon's cryptographic library affects YubiKey and YubiHSM devices with outdated firmware.

- The vulnerability allows attackers with physical access to recover private keys, primarily impacting FIDO use cases.

- Yubico has transitioned to its own cryptographic library to mitigate risks associated with the vulnerability.

- Users are encouraged to update their devices and implement additional security measures.

- The advisory emphasizes the importance of physical security in protecting sensitive authentication keys.

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By @jsiepkes - 6 months
Well since Yubikey's can't update their firmware everything with a firmware below 5.7 is e-waste I guess?
By @gnabgib - 6 months
Discussion (51 points, 6 hours ago, 14 comments)
By @nixosbestos - 6 months
I'm trying not to blow a gasket over this, but what the fuck? This makes the Yubikey a lost a couple months back a huge risk. This makes my primary and backup Yubikeys potential risks.

They don't allow FW upgrades for dubious reasons, and they aren't issuing replacements? It's so sad that the OSS alternatives are so lacking.

Maybe time to pickup a Precursor and start taking this all a bit more seriously.