September 21st, 2024

Ruby on Rails continues to thrive

Ruby on Rails, established in 2005, remains a powerful web development framework favored for rapid project initiation, scalability, and strong community support, with major companies continuing to rely on it.

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Ruby on Rails continues to thrive

Ruby on Rails remains a relevant and powerful framework in web development, according to veteran coder Kenroy Reid. Despite frequent claims of its decline, Rails has proven its maturity and stability since its inception in 2005. Its "Convention over Configuration" philosophy allows for rapid project initiation while ensuring long-term scalability. Rails excels in productivity, enabling developers to create minimum viable products quickly, which is particularly beneficial for startups. The framework is supported by a vibrant ecosystem of community-built gems that streamline development processes. Additionally, Rails boasts a strong and supportive community, providing ample resources for both new and experienced developers. Major platforms like GitHub and Shopify continue to rely on Rails, demonstrating its capability to handle large-scale applications. The framework is also evolving, with recent updates like Rails 7.0 introducing modern features while maintaining its core principles. Rails is not only favored by startups but is also suitable for enterprise applications due to its maintainability and readability. Ultimately, Ruby on Rails prioritizes developer happiness, making coding enjoyable and productive, which contributes to its enduring popularity.

- Ruby on Rails is mature and stable, having been around since 2005.

- The framework allows for rapid development and is favored by startups for MVPs.

- A strong community and extensive ecosystem of gems support Rails development.

- Major companies continue to use Rails, proving its scalability and reliability.

- Recent updates show Rails' adaptability to modern development trends.

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By @brtkdotse - 3 months
Y'all should look at the rest of the site. This is written by a content farm. These kinds of "blogs" serve the purspose of building up authority with google by writing waffer thin but linkable articles (as shown by it appearing on the front page of HN) and then sell backlinks to online casinos for SEO juice.

You've been bamboozeled.

By @xNeil - 3 months
Am I the only one who sees that the entire website is AI generated? Their categories make no sense, neither does their homepage. Weird.
By @bryanrasmussen - 3 months
Has there been any framework or library that has had the reach of Ruby on Rails in the last 2 decades that has died?
By @xelamonster - 3 months
Rails won't die because Ruby is nice to build with and Javascript is a sadistic nightmare. I don't use it myself but I absolutely see the appeal. What more modern alternatives even attempt to compete on DX?
By @oezi - 3 months
As an occasional user the Rails experience has suffered quite a lot over the years because the Javascript and CSS integration has become really unclear.

The options and combination are too many, the work to change something too great for the single developer. It is okay if you want to use Tailwind or Bootstrap.

I confess I don't get what importmaps really do (how can they get rid of the need to precompile js assets?).

By @nsonha - 3 months
nothing ever dies, but that doesn't say anything useful for most of us, building system that is practical today and continue to be PRACTICALLY maintainable for about 50 years.
By @Noumenon72 - 3 months
The scaffolding and convention over configuration argument just weakened; ChatGPT can set up a new project for you with whatever boilerplate your language needs.