September 26th, 2024

A pilot project in universal algebra to explore new ways to collaborate

Terence Tao's pilot project in universal algebra aims to enhance collaboration in mathematical research using machine assistance, exploring equational theories for magmas and streamlining the verification process through crowdsourcing.

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A pilot project in universal algebra to explore new ways to collaborate

Terence Tao has proposed a pilot project in universal algebra aimed at enhancing collaboration in mathematical research through machine assistance. Traditional mathematical projects typically involve a small group of experts who can verify each other's contributions, making it difficult to scale up projects or include public contributions due to the complexity and potential for errors. The introduction of proof assistant languages like Lean could facilitate larger collaborations by allowing modular contributions from both professional mathematicians and the public, as well as automated tools. Tao suggests that this approach could be applied not only to formalizing existing mathematics but also to exploring new mathematical problems. He specifically proposes investigating equational theories for magmas, which are sets equipped with a binary operation. The project aims to expand the implications and non-implications among various equational axioms, potentially leading to a more extensive understanding of their relationships. By crowdsourcing the exploration of these axioms and utilizing automated tools, the project seeks to streamline the verification process and enhance the scalability of mathematical research.

- Terence Tao proposes a pilot project in universal algebra to enhance collaboration using machine assistance.

- The project aims to explore equational theories for magmas, focusing on the implications among various equational axioms.

- Proof assistant languages like Lean could facilitate contributions from both experts and the public.

- The project seeks to crowdsource the exploration of mathematical problems, potentially leading to new discoveries.

- The initiative aims to streamline the verification process and improve the scalability of mathematical research.

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By @gryn - 5 months
Interesting project for anyone who want to start learning lean and contribute to a project.

The project as described in the article is to produce a graph (Poset) where each node is a law (say the commutativity equation for example) and each edge is either a proof of implication or a proof of a non-implication, since this graph is infinite the project limits the laws considered to up to 4 applications of the binary operator.

The main goal is not the proofs themselves but experimenting in doing math in a matter that's more similar to software engineering in the open source community.

The collaborative aspect of the project is to write a proof for each kind of edge (implication and not_implications) between the 4694 considered nodes.

There's also the advantage that a GitHub CI running lean will be setup to automatically check if the pull requests adding theses edges are right or wrong without the need for a human to do the checking of the proofs in their head.

partial visualization of the (WIP) graph:

outline of the project:

github repo:

By @davidrjones1977 - 5 months
I really love the extent to which Terry Tao has embraced the promise and potential of proof assistants. So many smart and talented people in that community doing so much amazing work. With folks like these pushing the boundaries, the sky is the limit.
By @srcreigh - 5 months
I love this! Let’s not take for granted that such simple mathematics problems may not have ever been solved yet. What a time to be alive.

> So, the situation here is somewhat similar to the Busy Beaver Challenge, in that past a certain point of complexity, we would necessarily encounter unsolvable problems

I must be a platonist to squirm about this. There are no unsolvable problems with undecidability or busy beaver numbers. The only thing is some math questions are actually infinitely many problems disguised as a single problem.

The halting problem etc is the opposite of unsolvable, it’s so solvable humanity can never finish solving it. It’s infinitely solvable.

It’s as if we found a magical soup which has a new taste every day forever, and we call it “untasteable”. It’s not untasteable! It’s the tastiest thing ever!

By @gigatexal - 5 months
upvoting this hoping someone can dumb it down for me a bit :sweat_smile:
By @mncharity - 5 months
> presents the partially known poset in a visually appealing way

Perhaps a hopefully-compressible correlation matrix, sorted and collapsed on similarity, with mouseover to get equations?

By @practal - 5 months
This is a great post, and full of inspiring ideas for what kind of work flows and features a modern theorem proving system could support.
By @tempodox - 5 months
I have to wonder whether there's a magma where equation 4 holds while equation 7 (commutativity) doesn't. Off the top of my head, I can't think of one but does that mean there absolutely can't be one, like the depicted graph implies?