October 3rd, 2024

Hacker News RSS

hnrss.org offers real-time RSS feeds for Hacker News, allowing users to filter content by parameters like points and comments, and subscribe to specific users or keywords in various formats.

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Hacker News RSS

hnrss.org offers customized, real-time RSS feeds for Hacker News, allowing users to track various types of content such as new posts, comments, and job opportunities. The available feed types include Firehose, Searches, Replies, Best Comments, Points, Activity, Front Page, Self-posts, Alternative, Jobs, Users, Favorites, and Threads. Each feed can be accessed via specific URLs, and users can filter results based on parameters like points and comments. The site supports multiple formats, including RSS, Atom, and JSON Feed. Users can also subscribe to feeds for specific users or keywords, ensuring they receive relevant updates. The platform is powered by the Gin web framework and hosted on DigitalOcean, with HTTPS provided by Let’s Encrypt. The documentation was last updated in December 2022.

- hnrss.org provides real-time RSS feeds for Hacker News content.

- Users can filter feeds based on various parameters like points and comments.

- The platform supports multiple formats, including RSS, Atom, and JSON Feed.

- Users can subscribe to feeds for specific users or keywords.

- The site is hosted on DigitalOcean and uses HTTPS for security.

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By @tracker1 - 5 months
Source repo, for reference.


By @joecool1029 - 5 months
What would you use this with these days? I haven't used RSS since firefox ripped out the live bookmark feature.
By @p5v - 5 months
It's a great one! We've been using it for our "Readable HN" collection on Feedle: https://feedle.world/hacker-news. Front Page entries would get checked, and we'd pick ones that we think would be worth reading (based on a few subjective criteria - length, presence and frequency of certain words, mood, etc.)

Of course, it comes with its own dedicated RSS feed: https://feedle.world/hacker-news/rss

By @FerretFred - 5 months
I'm using newsboat on my Linux/Termux boxen. Works fine!