December 27th, 2024

I wish your bespoke React-Tailwind-etc. static site generator had RSS

The author advocates for improved RSS functionality in modern static site generators, noting many blogs lack feeds or have issues, while traditional platforms like WordPress provide reliable RSS support.

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I wish your bespoke React-Tailwind-etc. static site generator had RSS

The author expresses a desire for RSS functionality in modern static site generators built with frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte. Despite the prevalence of beautifully crafted blogs utilizing advanced technologies, many lack RSS feeds, which are essential for content syndication. The author notes that even when RSS is present, it often has issues such as missing meta tags, invalid formatting, or mismatched content. These problems can hinder the ability of blog readers to access and follow updates effectively. The author reflects on their own experiences with static site generators, acknowledging that generating an RSS feed should be a straightforward task once the HTML is created. They highlight that traditional blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogspot typically provide reliable RSS feeds, while customizable static site generators can sometimes lead to complications. The author encourages developers to consider adding proper RSS support to their bespoke static site generators to enhance accessibility and usability for readers.

- Many modern blogs lack RSS feeds despite advanced technology.

- Common issues with existing RSS feeds include invalid formatting and missing meta tags.

- Generating an RSS feed is a simple task once HTML is created.

- Traditional blogging platforms generally offer reliable RSS functionality.

- Custom static site generators can complicate RSS implementation.

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By @1123581321 - 2 months
I’ve found similar as a feed subscriber. I contact the author and ask them to add a feed so I can subscribe. About half the time they’ll add one or write me back with a nice note explaining they can’t right now. Sometimes the reason is that they’re working on a new version of their site that will have a feed. :)