June 23rd, 2024

Y combinator codex (2021)

The Y Combinator Codex, a calligraphy piece from Kraków, Poland, created in January 2021, measures 420mm x 2400mm. Tools like calligraphy pens and watercolor paints were used. The artwork will be auctioned at the European Lisp Symposium 2021.

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Y combinator codex (2021)

The Y Combinator Codex is a calligraphy piece created in Kraków, Poland, between January 13th-25th, 2021. The artwork measures 420mm x 2400mm and includes white margins on both short sides. Various tools were used in its creation, such as Pilot Parallel calligraphy pens, Hero and Pelikan inks, Ecoline watercolor paints, Ecoline metallic gold paint, and Vallejo metallic silver paint. Inspired by the Y Combinator Codex by emacsomancer, the piece is in very good condition with minor wrinkles and a small tear. Printed copies will be available for purchase, and the original piece will be auctioned during the European Lisp Symposium 2021, with proceeds going to Lisp-related organizations. Details on how to participate in the auction will be announced at the conference.

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By @tromp - 8 months
Curiously, in the pure lambda calculus with Church numerals, the factorial function doesn't need recursion, since Church numerals already act like iterators: fac = λn.λf.n(λf.λn.n(f(λf.λx.n f(f x))))(λx.f)(λx.x) or as a lambda diagram:

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By @phoe-krk - 8 months
Author here. Didn't expect this one on HN tonight, so AMA I guess.
By @dang - 8 months

Show HN: The Y Combinator Codex - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27000072 - April 2021 (2 comments)

By @raldi - 8 months
It's beautiful, but isn't a codex a book? I thought that's what separates them from scrolls.
By @vinnyvichy - 8 months
Nice to see that yin-yang of eval/apply floating in a sea of King James 1611
By @aagha - 8 months
What made you want to do this?
By @nathell - 8 months
Next time I'm in Kraków I'd like to buy you a beer, sir.
By @dirtybirdnj - 8 months
this is amazing work, looks hand done. can't imagine the time that goes into something like this, just figuring out how to compose it... and not making mistakes?!

very cool

By @mynameisnoone - 8 months
Should sell mostly prints but some originals on Etsy.
By @narag - 8 months
Very nice!
By @gwern - 8 months
A regrettable name. Everyone who sees it will assume that it's something like 'a startup self-help book'.