June 24th, 2024

MIME, RSS, and Existential Torment

Xe Iaso recounts fixing their RSS feed problem caused by MIME types. The solution involved updating MIME configurations, showcasing technical insights and the importance of understanding web development intricacies.

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MIME, RSS, and Existential Torment

The author of the blog post, Xe Iaso, shares their experience fixing their RSS feed issue caused by MIME types. The problem stemmed from a missing MIME type configuration in their setup, leading to errors when serving files from a .zip archive on their website. The post delves into technical details about Go interfaces, filesystem handling, and the implications of missing methods like .Seek in certain file types. Ultimately, the solution involved updating the MIME registry configuration to include necessary file types, resolving the issue without extensive code changes. The author humorously reflects on the troubleshooting process and highlights the importance of understanding such technical nuances in web development. The post concludes with a reminder to verify information and seek clarification if needed, emphasizing the evolving nature of technology.

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By @egypturnash - 4 months
> One of the weirdest things my website does is that it serves everything from a .zip file


why would you do this to yourself

It looks like you're still pushing a bunch of stuff over with git so it's not like you're making it easier to just ftp over one file or something, whyyyyyyy

By @tedunangst - 4 months
This is fixable with a small patch, which implements enough seek to work with http.

    func (r *checksumReader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
        if whence == io.SeekEnd {
                return int64(r.f.FileHeader.UncompressedSize), nil
        r2, _ := r.f.Open()
        rr := r2.(*checksumReader)
        *r = *rr
        return 0, nil
By @agwa - 4 months
Another issue is that without seek support, the HTTP server can't implement range requests.

Interesting comment by Russ Cox about this: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/61791#issuecomment-16719...

By @kdbg - 4 months
Reminds me a little of a stored XSS I read about last year.


Had that same root of not having the mime.types in the container, leading to server-side sniffing of the mime type for the Content-Type header.

It's just a bit interesting the impact such a file can have

By @o11c - 4 months
Languages do such a bad job at modeling the IO hierarchy ...

One minor point that should be relevant here: there are files that support `rewind` (`seek` at offset `0`) but no other seeking.

By @lloydatkinson - 4 months
This is ironic, as I'm not even sure the authors RSS is setup correctly. My Miniflux instance now has multiple entries for this exact post and in fact the ONLY time I see duplicate posts in there is from the authors site.
By @immibis - 4 months
abstractions that usually magically work but sometimes don't are the best abstractions (if you're paid by the hour to fix them).
By @throwayaw84330 - 4 months
Things that happen when xe stopped to use NixOS