Show HN: Perlin noise Wang tile generator
The GitHub repository offers a Python script merging Perlin Noise and Wang Tiles to create unique non-periodically tileable noise images. Dependencies include `more_itertools`, `numpy`, `Pillow`, and `vectormath`. Users can access the script, examples, and guidelines for generating noise patterns.
Read original articleThe GitHub repository offers a script that produces non-periodically tileable noise images by utilizing Perlin Noise and Wang Tiles. This innovative approach merges Perlin Noise and Wang Tiles to craft distinct noise designs. The script, coded in Python, necessitates `more_itertools`, `numpy`, `Pillow (PIL)`, and `vectormath` as dependencies. For those intrigued by generating these noise images, the repository provides access to the script, along with examples and guidelines on its application. By delving into the repository, users can uncover comprehensive information on the script's functionality and how to effectively employ it for creating unique noise patterns.
Unique3D: Image-to-3D Generation from a Single Image
The GitHub repository hosts Unique3D, offering efficient 3D mesh generation from a single image. It includes author details, project specifics, setup guides for Linux and Windows, an interactive demo, ComfyUI, tips, acknowledgements, collaborations, and citations.
Tachyonfx: A library for creating shader-like effects in terminal UIs
The "tachyonfx" library on GitHub enables shader-like effects in terminal UIs with color transformations, animations, and complex combinations. For more information or assistance, reach out for support.
Determine mesh rotations to minimise overhangs for 3D printing
The Mesh Tumbler tool on GitHub optimizes mesh rotations for 3D printing by reducing overhangs. It uses normal projections and Bayesian Gaussian process optimization. Users can adjust parameters for customization.
Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution
The GitHub repository contains the Pytorch implementation of "EvTexture" for video super-resolution presented at ICML 2024. It includes author details, updates, demos, installation, testing, data prep, citations, contacts, and licenses.
A simplified Python simulation of diffusion
Physicist Richard Feynman's teaching style is explored through Python simulations on diffusion. The tutorial simplifies physics concepts, emphasizing coding and optimization with Python modules like turtle, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
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Unique3D: Image-to-3D Generation from a Single Image
The GitHub repository hosts Unique3D, offering efficient 3D mesh generation from a single image. It includes author details, project specifics, setup guides for Linux and Windows, an interactive demo, ComfyUI, tips, acknowledgements, collaborations, and citations.
Tachyonfx: A library for creating shader-like effects in terminal UIs
The "tachyonfx" library on GitHub enables shader-like effects in terminal UIs with color transformations, animations, and complex combinations. For more information or assistance, reach out for support.
Determine mesh rotations to minimise overhangs for 3D printing
The Mesh Tumbler tool on GitHub optimizes mesh rotations for 3D printing by reducing overhangs. It uses normal projections and Bayesian Gaussian process optimization. Users can adjust parameters for customization.
Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution
The GitHub repository contains the Pytorch implementation of "EvTexture" for video super-resolution presented at ICML 2024. It includes author details, updates, demos, installation, testing, data prep, citations, contacts, and licenses.
A simplified Python simulation of diffusion
Physicist Richard Feynman's teaching style is explored through Python simulations on diffusion. The tutorial simplifies physics concepts, emphasizing coding and optimization with Python modules like turtle, NumPy, and Matplotlib.