June 28th, 2024

Five new ways to catch gravitational waves – and the secrets they'll reveal

Researchers are innovating to enhance gravitational wave detection beyond current capabilities. Methods include wider frequency range, pulsar timing arrays, microwave telescopes for Big Bang afterglow, atom interferometry, and desktop detectors. Advancements target diverse cosmic events like black hole mergers and early Universe, aiming for profound discoveries.

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Five new ways to catch gravitational waves – and the secrets they'll reveal

Researchers are developing new ways to detect gravitational waves beyond the capabilities of current instruments like LIGO and Virgo. These methods include expanding the frequency range of detection, exploring pulsar timing arrays, using microwave telescopes to observe the Big Bang's afterglow, employing atom interferometry, and developing desktop detectors for high-frequency waves. By broadening the observational window, scientists aim to capture a wider variety of cosmic phenomena, such as black hole mergers and the early Universe, unlocking more secrets of the cosmos. Recent advancements include the potential detection of supermassive black-hole binaries using pulsar timing arrays and the search for gravitational wave imprints in the cosmic microwave background. These innovations offer promising avenues for studying gravitational waves and could lead to significant discoveries in understanding the laws of nature and the history of the Universe.


Astronomers see a black hole awaken in real time

Astronomers see a black hole awaken in real time

A massive black hole in galaxy SDSS1335+0728 has unexpectedly awakened, transforming it into an active galactic nucleus. This long-lasting event challenges previous astronomical knowledge on galaxy dynamics.

Implementing General Relativity: What's inside a black hole?

Implementing General Relativity: What's inside a black hole?

Implementing general relativity for black hole exploration involves coordinate systems, upgrading metrics, calculating tetrads, and parallel transport. Tetrads transform vectors between flat and curved spacetime, crucial for understanding paths.

A black hole of inexplicable mass

A black hole of inexplicable mass

The James Webb Space Telescope observed galaxy J1120+0641, revealing a mature quasar with a billion solar mass black hole at cosmic dawn. This challenges theories on black hole growth, suggesting they may start with substantial masses. The study sheds light on early black hole development, showing unexpected normalcy in early quasars, challenging assumptions on their evolution.

Scientists may have found an answer to the mystery of dark matter

Scientists may have found an answer to the mystery of dark matter

Scientists research dark matter, an invisible substance crucial for understanding the universe. Recent studies propose primordial black holes as a solution, suggesting they could account for dark matter and be detected by gravitational wave detectors.

Moving objects precisely with sound

Moving objects precisely with sound

EPFL researchers use soundwaves for precise object manipulation, advancing drug delivery. Wave momentum shaping navigates objects in dynamic environments, offering noninvasive biomedical applications and potential for micro-level cell manipulation. Nature Physics publication showcases groundbreaking research.

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By @openrisk - 4 months
Something already lost in the twisted passages of history is that the first generation of gravitational wave detectors was of an entirely different design than the current interferometers [1]. It never worked and Weber's claim to have detected gravitational waves from SN1987A in 1987, was widely discredited...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber_bar

By @gadilif - 4 months
So, going from a very narrow frequency band (up to 1000Hz) to a much wider range, which can theoretically encode information (e.g. frequency modulation)... Hmm, I'm wondering if comms over gravity is something a sufficiently advanced civilization might consider using, and should we be looking for that 'Hello, world' in some 'natural frequency' like we're doing for EM radiation?
By @captainkrtek - 4 months
Just a plug that you can tour the LIGO facilities for free! I visited a couple years ago and got a tour of the Hanford facility, included a lecture beforehand as well. Really awesome people and got to tour the entire facility, even going to the control room.


By @nudgeee - 4 months
I’m amazed there was no mention of LISA [0] — a space-based gravitational wave detector using 3 satellites flying in formation 2.5 million Km apart! Seriously cool engineering, planning to launch in 2035.

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_Interferometer_Space_A...

By @consumer451 - 4 months
I just learned of a new proposal to use an already planned probe, as a gravitational wave detector. Maybe I am missed it, but this does not appear to be covered in TFA.

> Bridging the micro-Hz gravitational wave gap via Doppler tracking with the Uranus Orbiter and Probe Mission: Massive black hole binaries, early universe signals and ultra-light dark matter


> Practically Free Primordial Gravitational Waves Detector


By @umvi - 4 months
Probably a dumb question, but... is it basically proven then that gravity doesn't exist (it's effects are just a result of spacetime's geometry?). Because it seems like these gravitational waves experiments show that spacetime exists and has measurable geometry. Yet every time quantum mechanics comes up everyone talks about how we haven't found the gravity force carrier yet which doesn't make sense to me if gravity doesn't exist and is a consequence of the geometry of spacetime.
By @westurner - 4 months
- "Kerr-enhanced optical spring for next-generation gravitational wave detectors" (2024) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39957123

- "Physicists Have Figured Out a Way to Measure Gravity on a Quantum Scale" with a superconducting magnetic trap made out of Tantalum (2024) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39495482

By @ape4 - 4 months
This made (very lay-person) me wonder if you could detect quantum wave function events.


By @cletus - 4 months
I just want to add something about how sensitive LIGO is. The gravity waves it is detecting are equivalent to measuring the distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri with a variation the width of a human hair.

Anyway, these techniques are aimed at detecting different types of gravitational waves, not necessarily about simply increasing sensitivity. I don't know what dictates the frequency of a gravitational wave.

Truth be told, I still don't get what expanding space or gravitational waves really are but then again I'm just an idiot who doesn't understand tractor calculus [1].

[1]: https://www.math.auckland.ac.nz/mathwiki/images/c/cf/Staffor...

By @ImageXav - 4 months
A more niche but nonetheless interesting method that I was hoping to see discussed was magnetism. Gravitational waves are expected to decay into photons in intense magnetic fields. Or so I was told by one of my physics professors back in the day. I did understand the math somewhat back then, but it is beyond me now. It does however seem as though some people are still exploring this avenue [0].

[0] https://indico.cern.ch/event/1074510/contributions/4519384/a....

By @cypherpunks01 - 4 months
I was surprised that the article doesn't mention LISA at all. I had thought that's the next stage gravitational wave detector on the horizon?


By @zeristor - 4 months
So if you can set black holes to collide if a large gravitational wave passes by, that would be stimulated emission and amplification...

A bit tricky to find something that could reflect a gravitational wave, to make an equivalent of a gravitational wave laser.

By @perlgeek - 4 months
Why is there no hope of raising the upper frequency limit of the current detection methods? 1kHz seems pretty low for an interferometer.

Is it limited by the wavelength associated with the 1kHz, which becomes smaller than the length of the light path through the interferometer?

By @tea-coffee - 4 months
Any physicists in here that could layout a path of going from rudimentary first year level physics knowledge to being able to understand on a deeper level topics such as gravitational waves?

These articles are interesting but are very abstract when you do not have knowledge from first principles.

By @demondemidi - 4 months
How does one aim a gravitational wave detector? Or is that not how they work?
By @mrlonglong - 4 months
It's entirely possible if it's extremely sensitive to detect the waves given off by alcubierrie warp drives crisscrossing the galaxies.
By @mnemotronic - 4 months
Here's something to get you ready ... https://youtu.be/DRRfhZFyDvg?feature=shared
By @andsens - 4 months
Now that’s the kind of clickbait title I can get behind!