June 28th, 2024

Category Theory Using String Diagrams (2014)

Daniel Marsden's paper introduces a new method in category theory using string diagrams. These diagrams blend calculational reasoning with type information, simplifying proofs of concepts like adjunctions and monads.

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Category Theory Using String Diagrams (2014)

The paper "Category Theory Using String Diagrams" by Daniel Marsden introduces a novel approach to category theory by utilizing string diagrams. These diagrams aim to combine the advantages of calculational reasoning with the retention of vital type information present in traditional proofs by diagram pasting. By employing graphical representations, the paper explores various concepts in category theory such as adjunctions, monads, Kan extensions, limits, and colimits. The use of string diagrams provides a topological perspective on categorical proofs, simplifying the handling of functoriality and naturality conditions that can be cumbersome in conventional notation. Through examples and graphical techniques, the paper demonstrates how these diagrams can be used to prove standard results in a more intuitive and visually appealing manner. This innovative approach offers a fresh perspective on category theory, bridging the gap between calculational methods and diagrammatic reasoning.

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By @zzhelezc - 7 months
These might be useful - Programming With Categories [1] and Category Theory for Programmers [2] (also on YT [3]).

[1] http://brendanfong.com/programmingcats.html

[2] https://bartoszmilewski.com/2014/10/28/category-theory-for-p...

[3] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbgaMIhjbmEnaH_LTkxLI...

By @abdullahkhalids - 7 months
This is extremely powerful approach, because instead of manipulating algebraic expression, you just manipulate string diagrams according to well defined and rather simple rules.

For example, large parts of quantum theory, quantum computing and quantum information have been reduced to this diagramatic approach to such a degree that novel research insights are emerging from these techniques. A good introduction is Picturing Quantum Processes [1].

[1] https://www.cambridge.org/gb/universitypress/subjects/physic...

By @vletal - 7 months
I was into this stuff when Scala was at its peak. I still think that it made me a better developer and it's just fun trying to understand all these concepts, but after several years I came to the conclusion that category theory will never hit mainstream.

Sure, the best ideas are already lurking into mainstream languages, but noone is building Monads and Functors. Implementations used in practice are not pure (flatMap on List accepts Sets/Options...).

These days I would probably jump on the Rust hype train and learned more about memory management and safety instead.

By @ykonstant - 7 months
This seems quite useful for complicated diagram chasing; has anyone here used this approach for work in homotopy theory or arithmetic geometry? I wonder if it is useful for simplifying long diagrammatic calculations and how robust it is regarding the usual errors in diagrammatic reasoning.
By @birttAdenors - 7 months
Might also be useful (one of the authors is the same). https://assets.cambridge.org/97810093/17863/frontmatter/9781...
By @chithanh - 7 months
Very nice. Also recommended reading is Eugenie Cheng, The Joy of Abstraction[1] which emphasizes diagram chasing to visualize abstract relationships.

[1] https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108769389

By @carapace - 7 months
On page four it seems the only difference between the second and third string diagrams is that the 'h' node is lower on the XY string, topologically the diagrams are identical, is that a typo?