July 2nd, 2024

Upcoming Book on AI and Democracy

An upcoming book by Bruce Schneier and Nathan Sanders explores AI's impact on democracy, envisioning an AI-assisted democratic system. Scheduled for fall 2025 publication by MIT Press.

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Upcoming Book on AI and Democracy

The blog post announces an upcoming book on AI and democracy by Bruce Schneier and Nathan Sanders. The book will explore the implications of AI in various aspects of democracy, such as lawmaking, dispute resolution, political strategy, and citizen guidance. It aims to envision an AI-assisted democratic system and address how to leverage its benefits while mitigating potential drawbacks. The book is scheduled to be published by MIT Press in fall 2025, with a digital version becoming available a year later. The post also includes brainstorming ideas for titles and subtitles for the book, inviting suggestions from readers. The book's structure is outlined in six parts, covering topics like AI-assisted politicians, legislators, administration, legal system, citizens, and shaping the desired future. The post concludes with a comment suggesting a title for the book: "Democracy in the Age of AI, How AI Will Reshape Democracy."

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By @candiddevmike - 4 months
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By @39896880 - 4 months


Upcoming Book on AI and Democracy If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ve noticed that I have written a lot about AI and democracy, mostly with my co-author Nathan Sanders. I am pleased to announce that we’re writing a book on the topic.

This isn’t a book about deep fakes, or misinformation. This is a book about what happens when AI writes laws, adjudicates disputes, audits bureaucratic actions, assists in political strategy, and advises citizens on what candidates and issues to support. It’s a book that tries to look into what an AI-assisted democratic system might look like, and then at how to best ensure that we make use of the good parts while avoiding the bad parts.

This is what I talked about in my RSA Conference speech last month, which you can both watch and read. (You can also read earlier attempts at this idea.)

The book will be published by MIT Press sometime in fall 2025, with an open-access digital version available a year after that. (It really can’t be published earlier. Nothing published this year will rise above the noise of the US presidential election, and anything published next spring will have to go to press without knowing the results of that election.)

Right now, the organization of the book is in six parts:

AI-Assisted Politicians AI-Assisted Legislators The AI-Assisted Administration The AI-Assisted Legal System AI-Assisted Citizens Getting the Future We Want

It’s too early to share a more detailed table of contents, but I would like help thinking about titles. Below are my current list of brainstorming ideas: both titles and subtitles. Please mix and match, or suggest your own in the comments. No idea is too far afield, because anything can spark more ideas.


AI and Democracy Democracy with AI Democracy after AI Democratia ex Machina Democracy ex Machina E Pluribus, Machina Democracy and the Machines Democracy with Machines Building Democracy with Machines Democracy in the Loop We the People + AI Artificial Democracy AI Enhanced Democracy The State of AI Citizen AI

Trusting the Bots Trusting the Computer Trusting the Machine

The End of the Beginning Sharing Power Better Run Speed, Scale, Scope, and Sophistication The New Model of Governance Model Citizen Artificial Individualism


How AI Upsets the Power Balances of Democracy Twenty (or So) Ways AI will Change Democracy Reimagining Democracy for the Age of AI Who Wins and Loses How Democracy Thrives in an AI-Enhanced World Ensuring that AI Enhances Democracy and Doesn’t Destroy It How AI Will Change Politics, Legislating, Bureaucracy, Courtrooms, and Citizens AI’s Transformation of Government, Citizenship, and Everything In-Between Remaking Democracy, from Voting to Legislating to Waiting in Line How to Make Democracy Work for People in an AI Future How AI Will Totally Reshape Democracies and Democratic Institutions Who Wins and Loses when AI Governs How to Win and Not Lose With AI as a Partner AI’s Transformation of Democracy, for Better and for Worse How AI Can Improve Society and Not Destroy It How AI Can Improve Society and Not Subvert It Of the People, for the People, with a Whole lot of AI How AI Will Reshape Democracy How the AI Revolution Will Reshape Democracy


Imagining a Thriving Democracy in the Age of AI: How Technology Enhances Democratic Ideals and Nurtures a Society that Serves its People

Making Model Citizens: How to Put AI to Use to Help Democracy Modeling Citizenship: Who Wins and Who Loses when AI Transforms Democracy A Model for Government: Democracy with AI, and How to Make it Work for Us

AI of, By, and for the People: How Artificial Intelligence will reshape Democracy The (AI) Political Revolution: Speed, Scale, Scope, Sophistication, and our Democracy Speed, Scale, Scope, Sophistication: The AI Democratic Revolution The Artificial Political Revolution: X Ways AI will Change Democracy…Forever