July 12th, 2024

What Could Explain the Gallium Anomaly?

Physicists investigate the Gallium Anomaly in the Caucasus Mountains, where gallium converts unexpectedly to germanium due to neutrino interactions. Speculations on sterile neutrinos persist, challenging current neutrino physics understanding.

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What Could Explain the Gallium Anomaly?

Physicists are investigating the Gallium Anomaly, a puzzling phenomenon observed in an underground lab in the Caucasus Mountains. The anomaly involves the unexpected conversion of gallium into germanium due to neutrino interactions. Recent studies have ruled out errors in germanium half-life calculations as the cause, leaving the anomaly unexplained. Speculations include the existence of a new elementary particle, sterile neutrinos, which could potentially explain the anomaly and contribute to understanding dark matter. Despite efforts to resolve the anomaly through experiments like SAGE and BEST, the mystery persists, challenging current neutrino physics understanding. The possibility of light sterile neutrinos as a subset of dark matter remains a contentious topic among researchers, with implications for cosmological theories. Ongoing collaborations between U.S. and Russian scientists aim to further investigate the anomaly using alternative neutrino sources, but a definitive solution is yet to be found, leaving the scientific community intrigued and puzzled by the enigmatic Gallium Anomaly.


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By @Terr_ - 3 months
> sterile neutrinos

It's funny when one encounters serious real-world discussion on something previously seen as sci-fi technobabble.

In this case, I'm thinking of the Destiny universe, such as this apocalyptic alert from a military AI. [0]

> Multiple distributed ISR assets report a TRANSIENT NEAR EXTRASOLAR EVENT. Event duration ZERO POINT THREE SECONDS. Event footprint includes sterile neutrino scattering and gravity waves. Omnibus analysis detects deep structure information content (nine sigma) and internal teleonomy. No hypothesis on event mechanism (FLAG ACAUSAL). Bootstrap simulation suggests event is DIRECTED and INIMICABLE (convergent q-Bayes/Monte Carlo probability approaches 1). No hypothesis on deep structure encoding (TCC/NP-HARD).


> In the lab that houses the BEST experiment, fish serve as an early warning system about any leaking radiation.

I'm curious how this works, it looks as if there's one central underwater valve and two above-water valves, perhaps supposedly-breathable air is getting bubbled up through the tank?

> SAGE used a tank of 57 metric tons of gallium.

Some napkin-math [egregious mistake corrected] to visualize how much that is, and I get "45 oil drums".

    Line item               Amt Units
    Gallium Mass            5.70E+01    metric tons
    Gallium Mass            5.70E+04    kg
    Gallium Mass            5.70E+07    grams
    Liq. Gallium Density    6.10E+00    grams/cm3
    Gallium Vol             9.35E+06    cm3
    Oil Drum Volume         5.50E+01    gallons
    Vol Ratio               3.79E+03    gallons/cm3
    Oil Drum Volume         2.08E+05    cm3
    Gallium Volume          4.49E+01    oil drums


[0] https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-darkn...

By @bawolff - 3 months
> While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “has complicated things,” Elliott said, the collaboration between the U.S. and Russia on BEST is still ongoing, for now.

Nice to hear in these uncertain times.

By @keepamovin - 3 months
Could the gallium anomaly be explained by something far more prosaic? For example, in water, there are all kinds of species of different anions and cations present, existing in equilibrium with each other. Water forms complex semi-crystalline structures by virtue of hydrogen bonds. Although they are not true crystals, the supramolecular structures of individual water molecules and the valence species create a sophisticated structure, even in a seemingly homogenous substance.

Now, consider if something similar happens with gallium. What if the electron configuration of gallium's orbitals means that gallium, in its liquid form, also has various anions and cations? Moreover, what if gallium can form analogs to hydrogen bonds, leading to semi-crystalline or structured forms?

This structured form could provide some shielding to the gallium atoms, making them less likely to be converted via neutrinos to germanium. Instead of impacting a nucleus at the expected rate, the overlapping orbital bonds and electron resonance might offer a form of shielding. This shielding could make the gallium atoms more stable and less reactive, thereby reducing their conversion to germanium.

While this idea applies a chemical concept to nuclear chemistry or physics, and may not align perfectly with the traditional views of high-energy particle physicists and astronomers, it offers a potentially more prosaic explanation for the gallium anomaly. This perspective might not have been top of mind for those focused on high-energy interactions and could be worth considering further.

By @ars - 3 months
Would sterile neutrinos as an oscillation really change anything about dark matter? The total mass of neutrinos doesn't change, just the lepton number.
By @kseistrup - 3 months
A Capella Science: Massless (Muse neutrino parody): https://youtu.be/dBxcC8zV46E
By @jnurmine - 3 months
Gallium likes to form alloys with other metals, does this anomaly happen with the gallium-containing alloys as well?
By @tlogan - 3 months
Question for experts:

If sterile neutrinos exist, would they be the best candidate for dark matter? Additionally, would it be impossible to detect them since they do not interact with anything and possess only mass?


My reasoning is as follows:

- Low-energy neutrinos might not be relativistic. For example, relic neutrinos from the Big Bang, which have a temperature of around 1.95 K, would travel at approximately 4.5% of the speed of light.

- I've also read that sterile neutrinos are hypothesized to have a large mass (though I'm not sure).

So "slow neutrino" + "not so light like normal neutrino" => dark matter

By @qnleigh - 3 months
Is there any reason to think that Gallium would be a particularly good source of sterile neutrinos? Or is it more that if regular neutrinos oscillate into sterile neutrinos, then this would be the first experiment that could detect so at this scale?
By @jarsdel - 3 months
Given the potential implications of discovering sterile neutrinos, what other anomalies or unexplained phenomena in particle physics might be re-evaluated in light of this new understanding?
By @CamperBob2 - 3 months
Photo caption: In the lab that houses the BEST experiment, fish serve as an early warning system about any leaking radiation.

Never change, Russia. Never change.