July 16th, 2024

How AI Is Enhancing, Not Replacing, Human Expertise in Creative Fields

AI impacts industries like photography, printing, music, and writing by enhancing creativity. Professionals excel in quality, emotion, nuance, and audience connection, collaborating with AI for greater achievements.

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How AI Is Enhancing, Not Replacing, Human Expertise in Creative Fields

AI is reshaping various industries without replacing human expertise. In photography, smartphones have democratized the art form, yet professional photographers still excel in quality and vision. Home printers have made printing more accessible, but professionals are sought for precision. In music, AI platforms like Suno.com aid in music creation, but human musicians offer emotional depth. AI tools like DeepArt and DALL-E empower amateur artists, yet professionals infuse art with personal experiences. In writing, tools like GPT-xx assist in generating text, but professional writers excel in nuance and audience connection. The future of work lies in collaboration between humans and AI, with technology expanding possibilities rather than replacing professionals. Embracing AI as a tool to enhance creativity and innovation will lead to a future where human skill and technology complement each other for greater achievements.

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By @jmward01 - 3 months
Undoubtedly new areas of creativity will be explored but a list with only good is missing the balancing 'bad' examples. Auto-complete is turning into auto-suggest and it is changing what I would have written. Even spellcheckers are starting to force a specific form of grammar which is, arguably, guiding how language is changing. The argument here isn't that this is good or bad, but that this outside influence is so strong that it is pruning out large areas of creativity. These things aren't just removing the mundane to speed up creative work, they are enforcing a style at a low-level which is hard to overcome. I personally am turning most of that off now because I want to maintain my own voice, but I don't know how long that will be a viable option.
By @garciasn - 3 months
When I'm asked about my thoughts around AI/LLMs, I tell everyone I see it as the same sort of rapid aid that the ubiquitous existence of Google brought to those working in a wide swath of fields. Instead of having printed and limited reference materials available, we suddenly had a MASSIVE trove of information available with amazing indexing and search capabilities. This allowed for more rapid development, creativity, and answers to esoteric questions we would have spent massive amounts of time working through individually.

LLMs are bringing the same thing, at a much different level, to the playing field. LLMs aren't perfect (and neither was what we had before) but it accelerates our ability to deliver in a way that many technological innovations have before us.

They will NOT replace us, at least not for the foreseeable future; however, the incremental shift on access to information, closer-to-done status, and creative inspiration (developers, administrators, writers, and artists alike) will cause a massive shift in how we work day to day.

By @pavel_lishin - 3 months
> Writing and Content Creation: AI as an Assistant

In this example, it's not an assistant - it created the entire poem, doing the entirety of the work. That's like saying my local handyman is an "assistant" when he built our entire deck.

By @alickz - 3 months
I believe AI is a force multiplier - for creative work, for problem solving, and for stupidity

A hammer is a tool to most, but a weapon to some

By @beardyw - 3 months
The poem would make a 3 year old wince. If your only exposure was to birthday cards you might consider it ok. Poems are supposed to have a point to them, especially for small children.

I read Tabby McTat over and over to my granddaughter who never tired of it. I could recite most of it now.

By @mnkv - 3 months
The low quality of this blog post (and all your posts) makes me think you wrote it mostly with AI. The irony is palpable.

AI is clearly enhancing humans in their creation of garbage.

By @fallingfrog - 3 months
Let’s be real: in the long run, there’s nothing that humans can do that machines can’t do better. Nothing.

So what is going to happen?

Well, if AI is doing all the thinking work, there’s no need for an education.

Education is already in free fall due to it being taken over by people who just want to maximize profits. This will make the problem worse.

And technology continues to isolate us and act as a conduit for whatever ideas spread the fastest- that means anything that triggers your amygdala.

A population with no jobs and no education and social connections is an angry and ignorant one. That means conservatism and conflict. Liberalism is the politics of trust. Conservatism is the politics of fear. And ignorant, isolated people are easy to manipulate.

And we in the USA live in a country flooded with guns.

The end of result of all that, in the past, has always been war. Maybe we’ll get lucky. I doubt it. There’s dry tinder piled up everywhere, and we are playing with matches.

It’s not gonna all fall apart this year. But, in 20, 30 years, with climate change and mass migration thrown into the mix, things are going to get bad.