July 27th, 2024

Abstract Interpretation in the Toy Optimizer

Max Bernstein explores abstract interpretation in the Toy Optimizer, demonstrating its use in program optimization and static analysis through examples like parity analysis and variable property tracking in SSA form.

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Abstract Interpretation in the Toy Optimizer

Max Bernstein discusses the implementation of abstract interpretation in a small intermediate representation (IR) and optimizer known as the Toy Optimizer. The post builds on previous work by CF Bolz-Tereick, focusing on how abstract interpretation can be used for program optimization and static analysis. Abstract interpretation is a method for deducing properties of a program without executing it, providing an over-approximation of its behavior. The Toy IR is structured in Static Single Assignment (SSA) form, which simplifies tracking variable properties.

Bernstein illustrates the concept using a simple program and an abstract domain that categorizes numbers as positive or negative. He explains how transfer functions are defined for operations to maintain consistency with their concrete counterparts. The analysis extends to more complex operations, such as absolute value and addition, demonstrating how abstract interpretation can reveal properties that allow for optimizations, such as eliminating unnecessary checks.

The post also introduces a parity analysis, which tracks whether numbers are even or odd. By implementing transfer functions for operations like addition and left shift, the analysis can determine the parity of results, leading to potential optimizations in the code. Bernstein concludes by discussing how knowledge of parity can optimize bitwise operations, specifically replacing checks for oddness with constant values when the parity is known. This approach exemplifies how abstract interpretation can enhance compiler optimizations and improve program efficiency.


Writing an IR from Scratch and survive to write a post

Writing an IR from Scratch and survive to write a post

Eduardo Blázquez developed an Intermediate Representation (IR) for the Kunai Static Analyzer during his PhD, aiming to enhance Dalvik bytecode analysis. The project, shared on GitHub and published in SoftwareX, transitioned to Shuriken. Blázquez drew inspiration from Triton and LLVM, exploring various IR structures like ASTs and CFGs. MjolnIR, Kunai's IR, utilized a Medium Level IL design with control-flow graphs representing methods. Blázquez's approach involved studying compiler design resources.

Spending too much time optimizing for loops

Spending too much time optimizing for loops

Researcher Octave Larose shared insights on optimizing Rust interpreters, focusing on improving performance for the SOM language. By enhancing loop handling and addressing challenges, significant speedups were achieved, balancing code elegance with efficiency.

Spending too much time optimizing for loops

Spending too much time optimizing for loops

Researcher Octave Larose discussed optimizing Rust interpreters, focusing on improving performance for the SOM language. They highlighted enhancing loop efficiency through bytecode and primitives, addressing challenges like Rust limitations and complex designs. Despite performance gains, trade-offs between efficiency and code elegance persist.

Refined Input, Degraded Output: The Counterintuitive World of Compiler Behavior

Refined Input, Degraded Output: The Counterintuitive World of Compiler Behavior

The study delves into compiler behavior when given extra information for program optimization. Surprisingly, more data can sometimes lead to poorer optimization due to intricate compiler interactions. Testing identified 59 cases in popular compilers, emphasizing the need for better understanding.

Finding Simple Rewrite Rules for the JIT with Z3

Finding Simple Rewrite Rules for the JIT with Z3

At PLDI conference, CF Bolz-Tereick presented a paper with Max Bernstein on using Z3 for superoptimization. They encoded PyPy's JIT integer operations into Z3 formulas to find and prove simplification rules efficiently.

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By @kthielen - 3 months
I hear different opinions about whether type checking is "an" instance of abstract interpretation (AI) or "the" instance (which IMHO is a useful question since we might consolidate our efforts on one method if possible).

This article does a very good job of laying out typical examples motivating AI as a concept.

But the process of attributing points in the AI lattice to expressions does look a lot like type inference (and the AI lattice itself does look a lot like a type hierarchy).

Does this point to a slightly different approach we should take to type systems? For example, suppose the type of '1' was not 'int' but rather '1' (a type runtime equivalent to unit, but carrying its information at compile-time), and that 'add' is overloaded on input types so that it can either directly compute its result (also then statically knowable) or emit instructions to dynamically compute its result if its arguments are only dynamically known.

Is that the meta lesson here? Should we be using more detailed/nuanced type systems?

By @nsajko - 3 months
By @layer8 - 3 months
“Over-approximation” sounds like an oxymoron.