August 11th, 2024

Verso – web browser built on top of the Servo web engine

Verso is a developing web browser using the Servo engine, with installation instructions for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Nightly releases are available, and future features include multi-window support and sandboxing.

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Verso – web browser built on top of the Servo web engine

Verso is a web browser currently under development, built on the Servo web engine. The project emphasizes a creative vision, described as "playing old world blues to build new world hope." At this stage, it does not accept feature requests. Users can engage in discussions via Zulip. Installation instructions vary by operating system: for Windows, users need to install Scoop and several tools before building and running the browser with Cargo; for MacOS, Xcode and Homebrew are required, along with specific tools; Linux users can choose between Flatpak and Nix, with detailed commands provided for each method. Nightly releases of Verso are available at CrabNebula Cloud, although these packages are currently unsigned. Future development plans include multi-window support, multiprocess mode, sandboxing across platforms, and GStreamer feature integration. More information can be found on the Verso GitHub repository.

- Verso is a web browser in development using the Servo engine.

- Installation instructions are provided for Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

- Nightly releases are available but currently unsigned.

- Future features include multi-window support and sandboxing.

- Community discussions can be joined on Zulip.


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AI: What people are saying
The comments on the article about the Verso web browser reveal a mix of excitement and skepticism regarding its development and features.
  • Many users express enthusiasm for the Servo engine and its potential to innovate in the browser space.
  • Concerns are raised about the stability and performance of Verso compared to existing browsers.
  • Some commenters question the necessity of another browser, given the dominance of established options like Chrome and Firefox.
  • There is interest in the integration of Servo with other platforms and technologies, such as Qt and Tauri.
  • Discussions about the project's funding model and community governance highlight broader issues in open-source development.
Link Icon 35 comments
By @ksec - 7 months
So we will, in ~5 years time have two new browser, one in Rust and one in Swift.

I hope in the process of doing it we will find new ways of doing things.

By @wongarsu - 7 months
According to Servo currently passes ~60% of the web platform tests. Does anyone have experience how far that subset gets you on the open internet?
By @niutech - 7 months
Nice! There is also Servo webview for Qt: and Servo webview for Tauri:

Hopefully we can get more web browsers with embedded Servo engine (e.g. as a QtWebEngine replacement).

By @erlend_sh - 7 months
In other exciting Servo-browser news, Servo and Redox OS have submitted a joint proposal to fund the porting of SpiderMonkey and WebRender to Redox:
By @bkardell - 7 months
It's great to see the attention to servo growing - the number of people starring servo on gh just keeps going up! There's a chart on

One big reason to want change is to change the funding model that currently supports the existing browser projects, which isn't great and is threatened too...

By @rhabarba - 7 months
Every time a new browser appears and is applauded by HN, a NetSurf dev opens a beer...
By @kwhitefoot - 7 months
Does this do anything to improve the browser as a user agent? That is an agent that obeys the user over the server. None of the current browsers are user friendly and none are scriptable except by experts wielding large external programs.

It should be possible to write a simple shell script to navigate the web, to log in to web sites, to extract information. Or something like Visual Basic.

By @TheRealPomax - 7 months
It'd be nice if people stopped recommending "yet another new and exciting package manager for Windows" that you have no idea of whether you can trust it or not.

Git, Python, llvm, cmake, and curl all have perfectly normal windows installers available from their own websites, and if you're a programmer who has to, or chooses to work on Window, it's a good bet you already have either most or all of these already installed, making the job of completing your bonus objective probably one, maybe two installs at most.

By @Klasiaster - 7 months
I don't understand what the advantages are over Servo's inbuilt web browser¹. So far they look the same when opening but the inbuilt web browser is more stable (I see rendering bugs with Verso and it panics when entering a domain without the http(s):// prefix).


By @mariusor - 7 months
I'm happy to see work being done in integrating Servo into custom browser chrome. My dream browser would be a servo based Qutebrowser. I can only hope.
By @nequo - 7 months
I hope that this project will succeed.

Incidentally, Verso is also the name of Lean 4’s DSL for typesetting documentation.[1] We are running out of words in the English language.


By @rubymamis - 7 months
The x64.dmg release[1] requires macOS 13+, why?


By @tcper - 7 months
Have a read about Servo, it is binding with SpiderMonkey as JS engine.

Is there some chance, that servo decomposed from SpiderMonkey? If it is not, I don't think anyone can tell difference between firefox and other browser use Servo.

By @einpoklum - 7 months
1. The repository README doesn't explain what Servo is. From its own repo README:

"Servo is a prototype web browser engine written in the Rust language. It is currently developed on 64-bit macOS, 64-bit Linux, 64-bit Windows, and Android."

So, this browser seems to be about using Rust, and somewhat Mac-centric. Not criticizing, just emphasizing.


2. The repository does not explain:

* How far along the project is.

* What are the benefits / points of attraction of the browser (or - perhaps it's more of a proof-of-concept?)


3. The project has a highly repressive Code of Conduct:

* Forbidden behavior is open-ended and at the discretion of whoever handles a complaint.

* No due process: Anonymous complaints, in-abstentia proceedings, no right to face accuser, no right to access and review evidence, etc.

* The project leaders/owners presume to forbid community members from interacting with people whom project leaders decided to ban. This is a bit like how when the US sanctions a state, it also strong-arms everybody else to observe its sanctions or themselves get sanctioned by the US.

Bottom line: I would avoid getting close to that project, if the CoC is actually applied. If it isn't - very much recommend removing it.

By @kinderjaje - 7 months
I like it because it's Rust
By @EstanislaoStan - 7 months
Interesting but it seems like a super early stage (or maybe Windows support isn't there yet.)

Nigh unusable on Windows (11). Mostly just opens an empty window that has stopped responding. I finally tried running as admin and it works more consistently now. Webview for looks like a messed up mobile view. My company's website doesn't work at all, (NextJS) so I guess they don't have a js engine yet?

By @F3nd0 - 7 months
And of course, they've gone with a pushover licence. Or two of them, it looks like.
By @hanniabu - 7 months
There's still zero day exploits found in chromium, wouldn't using using this put you at a huge risk of running into malware in the wild that this browser can't protect against?
By @ericyd - 7 months
It might be the head cold I'm recovering from, but it took me about 3 passes to comprehend their tagline:

> A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope

By @laweijfmvo - 7 months
The linux (flatpak) instructions seem to be out of date or at least not working for me on Fedora; but I'm a flatpak noob so maybe I missed something

edit: missed the part where i still need to clone the repo. but also a requirements.txt would be appreciated!

By @samstave - 7 months
Serious Question: With risk of being hated, this is an honest question:

I've never sought out another browser than using pretty much any of the big three...

Just because I have never had any sort of personal workflow/painpoint/interest in any of these other browsers/engines, that frankly I had never heard of and then another thing pops up every few years with yet another new one that I havent heard of -- but they all seem to have lively communities...

The question is:

What is the primary drive/utility that you/others are seeking/gaining with these none FF/chrome/edge things?

By @feverzsj - 7 months
As Mozilla chose to abandon it, is Firefox still using servo?
By @kopirgan - 7 months
Any post or article that explains what this does better or new as compared to existing engines like Chromium or WebKit when it's feature complete?
By @vegabook - 7 months
Nix first class citizen via `nix-shell`. Nice.
By @ape4 - 7 months
Typo dont' -> don't
By @lucidmorto - 7 months
This seems really promising
By @tills13 - 7 months
"a web browser that plays old world blues to give new world hope"

Um... what?

By @jijojohnxx - 7 months
Interesting perspective!
By @38 - 7 months
By @clot27 - 7 months
Isn't servo is in development for more than a decade? They already have legacy code before it even became stable, lol.
By @cosmicradiance - 7 months
If anyone is willing to put an effort in building a new browser, I have just one wish - allow embedding open-source transformers in the browser; available for both the user and websites/extensions.