August 21st, 2024

Newly discovered star moves fast enough to escape the Milky Way galaxy

A newly discovered celestial object, likely a faint red star, is moving at 1.3 million miles per hour, potentially escaping the Milky Way, identified by citizen scientists in the Backyard Worlds project.

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Newly discovered star moves fast enough to escape the Milky Way galaxy

A newly discovered celestial object, likely a faint red star, is moving at an extraordinary speed of approximately 1.3 million miles per hour, potentially allowing it to escape the Milky Way galaxy. This object, designated CWISE J124909.08+362116.0 (or J1249+36), was identified by citizen scientists participating in the Backyard Worlds project. If confirmed, it would be the first known hypervelocity low-mass star. The star's speed is significantly higher than that of the Sun, which orbits the Milky Way at about 450,000 miles per hour. Researchers believe J1249+36 may have been ejected from a binary system involving a white dwarf that exploded in a supernova or from a globular cluster due to interactions with a black hole. The star's low mass complicates its classification, raising questions about whether it is a low-mass star or a brown dwarf. Understanding its nature could provide insights into the population of high-velocity, low-mass objects in the galaxy. The study has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, highlighting the significance of citizen science in astronomical discoveries.

- A newly discovered object may escape the Milky Way due to its high speed.

- The object is likely a faint red star, potentially the first hypervelocity low-mass star.

- It was detected by citizen scientists in the Backyard Worlds project.

- The star's classification remains uncertain, raising questions about its mass.

- Understanding this object could reveal more about high-velocity stars and galaxy formation.

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By @aught - 5 months
Clickbait. Misrepresentation of the article which clearly states the object is near escape velocity with aims at identifying possible explanations and the classification of other similar objects. The article states the relative velocity at 456 +-27 km/s which is much lower than the local galactic escape velocity of 540km/s. Calculating an objects escape velocity isn't a simple comparison of course and depends on many factors, which the cnn article ignores for the sake of a sensational headline. The academic article is an interesting read.