"My gut says Telegram is an FSB operation"
Pavel Durov faces criticism for Telegram's alleged role in criminal activities, misleading security claims, and lack of transparency, with calls for improved encryption and accountability from the platform.
Read original articlePavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has faced criticism for allegedly facilitating criminal activities, including drug trafficking and ransomware operations. Critics argue that he misleads users about the security of the platform, claiming that Telegram is not truly encrypted and that all chat histories are stored on its servers indefinitely. Concerns have been raised about an undocumented API that allows unauthorized access to group chats, suggesting potential government surveillance capabilities. The article also questions Durov's motivations for leaving Russia, implying that it may have been a strategic move to negotiate with the FSB rather than a genuine conflict with the Russian state. Furthermore, it criticizes Telegram for not being transparent about its encryption practices and for running smear campaigns against competitors like Signal, which is viewed as more secure. The author calls for Telegram to adopt peer-to-peer encryption, open its source code for scrutiny, and be honest about its data retention policies. The piece concludes with a call for greater accountability and transparency from Telegram, likening the situation to a car manufacturer falsely claiming that safety features work.
- Pavel Durov is accused of facilitating criminal activities through Telegram.
- Telegram is criticized for misleading users about its security and data retention practices.
- An undocumented API raises concerns about unauthorized access to group chats.
- The article questions Durov's motivations for leaving Russia and his ties to the FSB.
- Calls for Telegram to improve transparency and security measures are emphasized.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov just got arrested in France
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was arrested in France on August 24, 2024, facing serious charges including drug trafficking and fraud, amid efforts to combat criminal activity on the platform.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov reportedly arrested in France
Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, was arrested in France for alleged complicity in crimes linked to content moderation failures. The incident raises questions about tech companies' responsibilities for user-generated content.
Pavel Durov and the Blackberry Ratchet
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, was arrested by French authorities, drawing comparisons to Blackberry's past challenges with government scrutiny over encryption and perceptions of non-compliance despite technical limitations.
In Russia, questions swirl over arrest of Telegram boss
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was arrested in Paris for a cyber-criminality investigation involving serious allegations. Concerns arise about Telegram's future and implications for free speech amid the situation.
The Arrest of Pavel Durov Is a Reminder That Telegram Is Not Encrypted
Pavel Durov, Telegram's co-founder, was arrested in France for disseminating illicit material, raising concerns about the platform's security features and the lack of default end-to-end encryption.
If you trust the encryption of it though, you are an idiot
At least he’s honest this is just his gut hunch, and not backed by any public or unreleased information
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov just got arrested in France
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was arrested in France on August 24, 2024, facing serious charges including drug trafficking and fraud, amid efforts to combat criminal activity on the platform.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov reportedly arrested in France
Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, was arrested in France for alleged complicity in crimes linked to content moderation failures. The incident raises questions about tech companies' responsibilities for user-generated content.
Pavel Durov and the Blackberry Ratchet
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, was arrested by French authorities, drawing comparisons to Blackberry's past challenges with government scrutiny over encryption and perceptions of non-compliance despite technical limitations.
In Russia, questions swirl over arrest of Telegram boss
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was arrested in Paris for a cyber-criminality investigation involving serious allegations. Concerns arise about Telegram's future and implications for free speech amid the situation.
The Arrest of Pavel Durov Is a Reminder That Telegram Is Not Encrypted
Pavel Durov, Telegram's co-founder, was arrested in France for disseminating illicit material, raising concerns about the platform's security features and the lack of default end-to-end encryption.