August 28th, 2024

Three crew investigated over Bayesian yacht sinking

Italian authorities are investigating the sinking of the yacht Bayesian, which killed seven, including entrepreneur Mike Lynch. The captain faces manslaughter charges, and experts suspect a downburst contributed to the incident.

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Three crew investigated over Bayesian yacht sinking

Italian authorities are expanding their investigation into the sinking of the yacht Bayesian, which resulted in the deaths of seven individuals, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch. The yacht sank off the northern coast of Sicily on August 19 during a pre-dawn storm. The investigation now includes the yacht's captain, James Cutfield, and two crew members, Tim Parker Eaton and Matthew Griffith. Cutfield has been placed under investigation for manslaughter and causing the shipwreck but has declined to answer prosecutors' questions. Experts are puzzled by the rapid sinking of the yacht, which was built by the reputable Italian company Perini and should have been able to withstand the storm. Investigators suspect that a downburst, a localized and powerful wind, may have contributed to the incident. The yacht is currently submerged at a depth of approximately 50 meters, and the Italian Coast Guard is monitoring the site for environmental hazards. The investigation is expected to be lengthy, requiring the salvage of the wreckage to determine the cause of the sinking.

- The investigation into the Bayesian yacht sinking includes the captain and two crew members.

- Seven people died in the incident, including British entrepreneur Mike Lynch.

- Experts are baffled by the yacht's rapid sinking during a storm.

- Investigators suspect a downburst may have caused the sinking.

- The Italian Coast Guard is monitoring the site for environmental safety.

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By @ggm - 6 months
If they previously crewed on a yacht called "LLM" then this is suspicious, but perhaps this is just an outlier event?

Naming the yacht like that creates sentences which beg questions. Three crew investigated over the sinking of the yacht 'Bayesian' might have been kinder. Or, not calling the yacht after an adjective. (I appreciate this fault lies between the yacht owner and the headline owner, not the submitter here)

By @mrandish - 6 months
Per TFA "investigated" in Italian police procedure seems to mean less than than one might assume. However, it's also worth keeping in mind that Italian criminal prosecutions can apparently go off the rails sometimes. I certainly hope I'm never investigated by Italian prosecutors in a high-profile criminal case.