Physics is unreasonably good at creating new math
Recent trends show physics driving advancements in mathematics, with physicists exploring concepts freely. String theory connects diverse mathematical fields, reflecting a deep relationship rooted in human cognition and natural phenomena.
Read original articleMathematics has historically served as a foundation for advancements in physics, with notable figures like Albert Einstein acknowledging its critical role in theories such as general relativity. However, recent trends indicate a reversal, where insights from physics are now catalyzing breakthroughs in mathematics. This shift is attributed to physicists' willingness to explore mathematical concepts without the stringent need for rigorous proofs, allowing them to traverse vast mathematical landscapes more rapidly than their mathematician counterparts. The collaboration between these fields has been revitalized, particularly through the work of figures like Michael Atiyah and Edward Witten, who have demonstrated how concepts from theoretical physics, such as string theory, can lead to significant mathematical discoveries. For instance, string theory has provided new connections between previously unrelated areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and topology. This interplay suggests that the mathematical structures emerging from physical theories resonate with human intuition, as our cognitive abilities have evolved in a physical context. The relationship between physics and mathematics is not merely one of utility; it reflects a deeper connection rooted in human cognition and the natural world, where even flawed physical theories can yield valuable mathematical insights.
- Insights from physics are increasingly driving advancements in mathematics.
- Physicists often explore mathematical concepts more freely than mathematicians, leading to new discoveries.
- String theory has facilitated connections between disparate mathematical fields.
- The relationship between physics and mathematics reflects human cognitive evolution.
- Even unsuccessful physical theories can inspire valuable mathematical developments.
Why Does Mathematics Describe Reality?
The YouTube video explores quantum mechanics, highlighting math's role in explaining natural phenomena. It covers imaginary numbers, Richard Feynman interactions, math's portrayal of reality, scientific constraints, short timescale event measurement challenges, and particle tunneling.
The Geometric Tool That Solved Einstein's Relativity Problem
Tensors are vital in Einstein's theory of relativity, enabling the description of gravity through space-time geometry. They are widely used in physics, computer science, and biology for complex relationships.
String Theorists Accidentally Find a New Formula for Pi
Physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha discovered a new formula for calculating pi while researching string theory, enabling faster calculations and relating to the Riemann zeta function.
String Theorists Accidentally Find a New Formula for Pi – Scientific American
Physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha discovered new formulas for calculating pi while researching string theory, yielding infinitely many equations and relating to the zeta function and Riemann conjecture.
String Theorists Accidentally Find a New Formula for Pi
Physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha discovered a new formula for calculating pi while researching string theory, enabling faster calculations and connecting mathematical concepts like the Riemann conjecture.
- Many commenters suggest that physics drives mathematical innovation, with examples like string theory leading to new mathematical concepts.
- There is a debate about whether physics creates new mathematics or simply discovers existing mathematical truths.
- Some argue that the distinction between physics and mathematics is diminishing, with both fields increasingly influencing each other.
- Several comments highlight the practical applications of physics in developing mathematical tools, contrasting it with the more abstract nature of pure mathematics.
- Humor and anecdotes are used to illustrate the differences in approach between physicists and mathematicians, often emphasizing the exploratory nature of physics.
Disclosure, I'm a mathematician.
This is kind of it I think. It's not just physics that drives interesting math, and it's not just recently that this relationship holds. Math is, IM humble O, the ultimate domain-specific language. It's a tool we use to model things, and then often it turns out that the model is interesting in its own right. Trying to model new things (ex. new concepts of reality) yields models that are interesting in new ways, or which recontextualize older models; and and so we need to reorganize, condense, generalize, etc; and so the field develops.
A lot of the newer generative ML models are also using differential equations/Boltzmann distribution based approaches (state space models, "energy based" models) where the statistical formulations are cribbed wholesale from statistical physics/mechanics and then plugged into a neural network and autodiff system.
The best example is probably the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm which was invented by nuke people.
(I was once a reasonably successful Physicist, so I might be biased :D)
I think I read that the 20th century was a revolution because of the marriage between physics and math. Quarternions are key to relativity. Discrete math is littered all over quantum mechanics and the Standard Model. Like U(1) describes electromagnetism, SU(2) describes the weak force and SU(3) describes the strong nuclear force. In particular the mass of the 3 bosons that mediate the weak force is what led directly to the Higgs mechanism being theorized (and ultimately shown experimentally).
One of the great advances of the 20th century was that we (provably) found every finite group. And those groups keep showing up in physics.
The article mentions how string theory has led to new mathematics. This is really interesting. I'm skeptical of string theory just because there's no experimental evidence for "compact dimensions". It seems like a fudge. But interestingly there have been useful results in both physics and maths based on if string theory was correct.
Arithmetic itself is a consequence of physical conservation: if you have a collection of four acorns, another collection of three acorns, then combine them without dropping an acorn, then you must have a collection of seven acorns. It is our deep physical understanding of space and causality which leads to simple arithmetic being intuitively true to most (if not all) vertebrates. (If the squirrel only got six acorns after combining then there must be a causal explanation for the quantitative discrepancy; another squirrel stole an acorn from the older stash, or maybe it fell in a hole.)
The measurements, theories, and currently understood or applicable math may not match up with observations.
People ponder and discover, then attempt to explain the observations and measurements with a new theory. If the theory pans out, a deeper explanation of that theory is necessary and that's where the new math's at.
It's not that physics is good at creating math. Physics is good at describing our observations /with/ math. That's kind of its whole job.
Next time you look at raindrops in a puddle, try to imagine how you would describe those movements scientifically. One needs math for that.
Sometimes the available tools and math are sufficient for a thorough explanation, and sometimes one needs to invent a universe of math to describe a tiny fluctuation.
For example, pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It’s just what a circle is in two dimensions. The value of pi isn’t any more mysterious or connected to physics than the existence of this thing called a circle. If you have some other Euclidean shapes you’ll have other ratios and values that have other relationships to other things in physical reality.
And if reality was different, hence the physical laws were different then the math would be different.. and the beings in that world might wonder why their math and physics were so interconnected.
Imagine a universe where the laws are best described in iambic hexameters under the condition that the last letters of the stanzas form specific words.
The ancients held some believes like that: kabala, astrology and the like. How wonderfully absurd it must have felt to them that the answer was something even more removed from reality.
cf. string theory
Of course it's not anything like a proof but something that bolsters an intuition.
But the opposite is also true: the physical reality that has been explained by mathematical thinking is just a tiny fraction of all the reality out there.
Entertaining viewpoint
Instead of reasoning on the worth of the effort spent in this direction to investigate nature (a very tangible companion) they try to steer the discourse toward this nonsense. We spent >50 years listening to these tales and the time has long passed since we are required to stop playing with these smoke and mirrors.
The end.
There's no magic here.
Why Does Mathematics Describe Reality?
The YouTube video explores quantum mechanics, highlighting math's role in explaining natural phenomena. It covers imaginary numbers, Richard Feynman interactions, math's portrayal of reality, scientific constraints, short timescale event measurement challenges, and particle tunneling.
The Geometric Tool That Solved Einstein's Relativity Problem
Tensors are vital in Einstein's theory of relativity, enabling the description of gravity through space-time geometry. They are widely used in physics, computer science, and biology for complex relationships.
String Theorists Accidentally Find a New Formula for Pi
Physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha discovered a new formula for calculating pi while researching string theory, enabling faster calculations and relating to the Riemann zeta function.
String Theorists Accidentally Find a New Formula for Pi – Scientific American
Physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha discovered new formulas for calculating pi while researching string theory, yielding infinitely many equations and relating to the zeta function and Riemann conjecture.
String Theorists Accidentally Find a New Formula for Pi
Physicists Arnab Priya Saha and Aninda Sinha discovered a new formula for calculating pi while researching string theory, enabling faster calculations and connecting mathematical concepts like the Riemann conjecture.