October 8th, 2024

Goodbye Windows 7

Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 on October 8, 2024, after a transition period. Users are urged to upgrade for security, reflecting on 15 years of nostalgia with the OS.

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Goodbye Windows 7

Microsoft officially ended support for Windows 7 on October 8, 2024, marking the conclusion of a long transition period for users. While general support for Windows 7 ceased on January 14, 2020, businesses had the option to purchase extended security updates, which allowed them to continue receiving support until January 10, 2023. The final support for Windows Embedded POSReady 7, a version of Windows 7, also ended on this date. The article reflects on the nostalgia of using Windows 7 over the past 15 years, while urging users still on this operating system to upgrade to a more current version for security reasons. The author shares personal experiences of running Windows 7 and expresses a sense of loss as the operating system reaches its end of life.

- Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 on October 8, 2024.

- General support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020, with extended support available for businesses until January 10, 2023.

- Windows Embedded POSReady 7, a variant of Windows 7, also reached its end of support on the same date.

- Users are encouraged to upgrade from Windows 7 for better security and support.

- The author reflects on the 15-year history of Windows 7 with a sense of nostalgia.

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By @Animats - 5 months
Windows 7 remains Microsoft's best operating system.

- Works pretty well.

- No ads

- Doesn't really need updates.

The soundest Microsoft OSs were probably NT 3.51, Windows 2000, and Windows 7.

By @transpute - 5 months
Windows 7 is eminently usable, mature and now perma-stable OS for stateless Windows on a platform that can enforce mandatory network isolation.

Long live one of the best network-optional client operating systems to achieve mass adoption by users and developers.

By @Lammy - 5 months
> Btw if you’re still on Windows 7 please fucking upgrade to something else do not stay on it you should’ve quit using it years ago

Needlessly rude and needlessly pro-e-waste. I don't have any non-Embedded (with EWF so they are fresh at every boot) Windows 7 systems but am really really sick of the forced upgrade treadmill in all of computing.

By @M95D - 5 months
> Btw if you’re still on Windows 7 please fucking upgrade to something else do not stay on it you should’ve quit using it years ago

No, thank you.

My solution is to disable the routing for the windows machine on the router and use a proxy server instead. Only Firefox knows the proxy password, not Windows.

I bet nobody wrote a bot(net) yet that searches for the proxy settings in FF settings if it fails a direct connection. Besides, if that ever happens, I have daily incremental backups for years. Win7 is not that big.

The only problem will be when FF stops supporting Win7. I would need a Linux VM then.

By @jerhewet - 5 months
You can pry Windows 7 from my cold, dead hands. As long as ESET NOD32 is still being updated, and as long as the half-dozen applications and tools I use on my two desktop machines still works, I will keep using it.

And please, no specious replies about "Oh noes! The botnets!" or "Linux is so much more awesome!". Do not care. Do not want. W7 was the peak Windows OS, and everything after it was varying degrees of a dumpster fire and/or spyware.

By @megamike - 5 months
onedrive is evil