July 2nd, 2024

Nuclear spectroscopy breakthrough could rewrite fundamental constants of nature

Breakthrough in nuclear spectroscopy at UCLA enhances atomic clock precision using thorium-229 nucleus excited by laser in fluorine-rich crystal. Research by Prof. Eric Hudson could redefine fundamental constants and improve deep space technology.

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Nuclear spectroscopy breakthrough could rewrite fundamental constants of nature

A breakthrough in nuclear spectroscopy at UCLA has the potential to revolutionize the accuracy of atomic clocks and redefine our understanding of fundamental constants of nature. By exciting the nucleus of a thorium-229 atom using a laser in a fluorine-rich crystal, scientists have achieved a level of precision previously unattainable. This advancement could lead to the development of the most accurate clock ever, enabling advancements in deep space navigation and communication. The research, led by Professor Eric Hudson, opens up possibilities for measuring time, gravity, and other fields with significantly higher accuracy than current methods relying on atomic electrons. The findings, published in Physical Review Letters, pave the way for exploring whether fundamental constants like the fine-structure constant are truly constant across the universe. The implications of this breakthrough extend beyond timekeeping, offering insights into the properties of matter, energy, and the laws governing space and time. The research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, highlighting its significance in advancing scientific understanding and technological innovation.


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By @nayuki - 4 months

> One isotope, ²²⁹Th, has a nuclear isomer (or metastable state) with a remarkably low excitation energy, recently measured to be 8.35574 eV. It has been proposed to perform laser spectroscopy of the ²²⁹Th nucleus and use the low-energy transition for the development of a nuclear clock of extremely high accuracy.

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_thorium

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_clock

By @perihelions - 4 months
Here's the open-access arXiv preprint:

https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.12311 ("Laser excitation of the ²²⁹Th nuclear isomeric transition in a solid-state host")

Here's an HN thread with 215 additional comments, from two months ago:

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40194636 ("Atomic nucleus excited with laser: A breakthrough after decades (tuwien.at)")

(Both threads are about an optical coupling to ²²⁹Th nuclear transitions; also, the top comment of that thread links to the paper underpinning this thread).

By @slashdave - 4 months
I love how university PR departments exaggerate the importance of research to almost a comical degree
By @MostlyStable - 4 months
What are the practical considerations of being able to measure time/gravity/etc more accurately?

Will this make GPS cheaper/more accurate? Will this allow better astronomical observations?

Note that I'm certainly not against blue-sky science where we don't immediately know of any practical uses. As the end of the article specifies, pure research often ends up paying dividends down the line.

But I'm curious if there are any more immediate applications.

By @westurner - 4 months
> When trapped in a transparent, flourine-rich crystal, scientists can use a laser to excite the nucleus of a thorium-229 atom.

> [...] This accomplishment means that measurements of time, gravity and other fields that are currently performed using atomic electrons can be made with orders of magnitude higher accuracy

By @swayvil - 4 months
Would it be upsetting if we sent a probe a lightyear away and found that some constant, I dunno, Planck's constant or whatever, had changed?
By @Animats - 4 months
Rewriting the fine structure constant sounds dangerous.
By @pdonis - 4 months
"Rewrite" is a misstatement; what is actually meant is "measure with greater accuracy".